Page 145 of Low Pressure

“That’s what you’re calling about?”

“I know it’s late, but you’re the one who’s been on my ass about it, so I’m calling now to tell you that I’ve decided to talk to him. Maybe… I don’t know—it might not be that bad to have steadier employment. At least I can hear the guy out, see what he has to say.”

“I’ll set it up.”

“An informal meeting. I’m not dressing up for him.”

“I’ll set it up.”

Suddenly Dent felt good. Maybe a little proud of himself for the first time in a long time. He realized that he was smiling hugely. But Gall’s restraint puzzled him. “I thought you’d be a lot happier.”

“I’m real happy. You’re finally acting like a grown-up, making a good decision.”

“So, what’s the matter?”

“I’m just surprised by your timing.”

“Again, I apologize for the hour. Hope I didn’t interrupt anything. But I reached the decision a few minutes ago and wanted to act on it immediately. Call the guy first thing in the morning, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah.” A pause, then, “You talk this over with Bellamy?”

“I would have, except…” Dent took a deep breath, expelled it. “She’s not speaking to me.”

“Oh. I get it now. You don’t know.”

Gall’s tone sent a chill through Dent. His happy bubble burst. “What don’t I know?”

“Her daddy died. It was reported on the ten o’clock news.”

Steven folded his dark pinstripe suit into his suitcase, which lay open on the bed, and looked over his shoulder at William as he came into the room. Steven asked, “Any problems?”

“None. All the shifts are covered. The chef will manage the kitchen. Bartender will oversee the dining room. No one will know we’re gone.”

“You hope.”

“We’ve hired good people. Things will run smoothly, and if there is a hitch, it won’t be the end of the world. Or even the end of Maxey’s Atlanta.”

Steven hesitated and, not for the first time, said, “You don’t have to come with me.”

William shot him a look as he pulled his own luggage from the storage closet. “I don’t have to, but I am.”

“For a decade I’ve protected you from my family and its woes. Why involve yourself now?”

“I’m not involving myself with your family. I’m involved with you. Period. End of discussion. What time is our flight tomorrow?”

Steven had made their reservation for the first flight out of Atlanta to Houston. “We’ll be there by ten. The funeral home in Austin is sending a hearse to Houston to transport the body. We’ll ride back to Austin with Mother in the accompanying limo, and then fly home from there after the funeral.”

“Which is?”

“The day after tomorrow.”

“Soon, then.”

“Mother saw no reason to delay it. Howard’s death has been expected for months. Actually, without her knowledge, he had already made most of the arrangements, even for the viewing, which will be tomorrow night.” He laid several folded shirts in the suitcase. “Out of respect, Lyston Electronics will shut down for three days, although the employees will receive full pay.”

“Who mandated that? Bellamy?”

“Mother. She thought it was a gesture that Howard would have approved. As for Bellamy, when I spoke to Mother, she hadn’t yet notified her.”