Page 97 of Low Pressure

“If it was all that harmless, Mother, why did you and Howard want me to keep it from the police?”

“All we said was that if Allen Strickland didn’t make a point of it when they questioned him, you shouldn’t volunteer it. It wasn’t germane.”

“Detective Moody might have disagreed.”

Surely he would have wanted to know how manipulative Susan was and that it was she who had initiated the encounter with Strickland.

“Over there, in the blue shirt, standing next to the oaf with the long mustache. I think they’re brothers. Be sure you tell the right one. God forbid that drooling cretin comes over here instead.”

“I’m not going to tell them anything.”


“If you’re so hot to dance with him, go ask him yourself and leave me the fuck alone.”

“Steven sa-id fu-uck. Steven sa-id fu-uck.”

Her taunting singsong had made him feverish with anger. But she knew that, and she used it.

“Of course you only say the word, you don’t do the deed. Because you’re scared.” Leaning close and putting her lips directly to his ear, she whispered, “But I know you want to. I know you want to with me. I know you want to right now.”

When he tried to move away, she blocked his path. “You go tell that guy I want to dance with him, or I’ll tell Olivia and Daddy that you got jealous of Dent and came into my room while I was naked and tried to rape me.”

“Rape you? That’s a laugh.”

“Who do you think they’ll believe?” She gave him a look that said she was capable of finessing it any way she wanted, and he knew she could.

Burning with hatred of her, he had approached Allen Strickland on her behalf.

As though reading his mind, his mother said gently, “That boy had been ogling her all day, Steven. He and that brother of his. Sooner or later Allen would have worked up his courage and asked her to dance without any help from you.”

“Possibly. But the fact remains that he did have my help.”

“Please don’t dwell on it and upset yourself. Although I know it’s difficult to put that day out of your mind when you can’t get away from Bellamy’s book. It’s everywhere. Even here in the hospital’s gift shop.”

“The horse has left the barn, Mother.”

“Yes, but I thought that when she stopped the publicity, things would die down. Instead we’re on the front page of that wretched tabloid again. Dent Carter has insinuated himself back into our lives, Bellamy is like a woman obsessed, and I can’t help but feel that this mysterious mission she’s on for Howard has something to do with it.”

Steven jumped in before she could work herself into another crying jag. “Mother, the only times in your marriage that Howard has done something behind your back was when he was shopping for a fabulous gift or planning an extravagant trip. If he sent Bellamy on a secret mission, it’s to do something that will spare you further heartache.”

“My heart already aches, Steven.”

“Cancer is cruel.”

“So is the irony.”


“Howard and I have had a near-perfect life together. It was marred by a single tragic event. Yet now, when our time together is about to end and we should be reliving blissful times, it’s Susan’s murder that’s at the forefront of everyone’s mind.” Her voice cracked. “And why?”

Quietly Steven said, “Low Pressure.”

Chapter 17

The state senator’s plane was already on the tarmac when Dent and Bellamy arrived at the airfield.

Gall took one look at Dent’s battered face and scowled. “Who the hell did that?”