Page 167 of Low Pressure

“We’ll go digging in that case file,” Nagle said. He seemed eager to do so.

“While you’re at it, you may want to take a look at this, too.” Bellamy passed Moody’s confession to the detective. “I think you’ll find it interesting reading. Especially in regards to Rupe Collier and why he was the first person Ray called after killing Dale Moody.”

Steven disconnected the call and turned to address his mother. “She said she would stop by and fill us in on the details. She sounded tired and a bit hoarse from talking for hours to the police, but she says she’s basically okay.” Wryly, he added, “She also said it will be a long time before she’ll open a text message.”

“How awful that must have been for her,” Olivia said.

“ ‘Ghastly’ was the word she used.”

“I’m worried about her. She’s had to endure so much the last several days.”

“And I’m partially responsible. Is that what you were about to say?”

“Not at all.”

“Well, it’s true.” He sighed and sank back into a chair. “I’ll never forgive myself for hiring Dowd, who only gave Bellamy something else to worry about.”

“You made a mistake,” William said. “Your intention was good. You didn’t foresee how it would be perceived or turn out. You’ve apologized. Let it go.”

Steven smiled across at his partner. “Thank you.”

William returned his smile, then asked to be excused. “I should call the restaurants and check in, make sure no crises have arisen.”

Steven saw through the ruse. William was sensitive to the family matters Steven and his mother needed to discuss and was giving them the privacy to do so.

As soon as he’d cleared the door, Olivia let down her guard. Her shoulders slumped with fatigue, which Steven knew was a holdover from the days she’d stood vigil over Howard’s deathbed. She was also suffering equal parts of grief and mental anguish.

“As soon as this Strickland character is caught, it will be over, Mother. Finally and forever.”

“God, I hope so.”

He laughed mirthlessly. “It will be strange to wake up and not dread the day and what ugly surprises might be in store. From the day Bellamy’s book went on sale, I haven’t welcomed a single dawn.”

“I know what you mean. Neither have I. I just wish… Well, I wish a lot of things that can’t come true.”

“Such as?”

“I wish Bellamy hadn’t received that hideous text.”

“She has Dent’s broad shoulders to lean on.”

“That’s another of my wishes. I wish he weren’t in her life.”

“It’s not official.”

Olivia looked at him and arched her brow.

“Yet,” he added ruefully.

“Do you think it’s inevitable?”

“I’ve seen the way they look at each other.”

“Which is how?”

“The way you and Howard looked at each other just after you met.”

She smiled sadly. “That bad? Well, in any event, there’s nothing I c