Page 74 of Where There's Smoke

The strident, condescending voice belonged to Darcy Winston.

Chapter Thirteen

“May I help you?”

When Lara spoke from the doorway, Darcy turned. She wasn’t as flawless close up as she’d appeared on the school auditorium stage. There were faint crow’s feet around her eyes and frown lines across her forehead. She had artfully applied cosmetics, but her face bore unmistakable traces of hard living and deep-seated bitterness.

Lara had formed an unflattering opinion of Darcy Winston’s character, but knew from experience that such bias was unfair. Trying to keep an open mind, she smiled and extended her hand. “Hello, Mrs. Winston, I’m Lara Mallory.”

Darcy raised one carefully penciled eyebrow inquisitively. Lara explained how she recognized her. “I heard you speak at the town meeting. You were extremely convincing.”

Again Darcy communicated by using her eyebrow. She gave Lara an arch look, obviously trying to guess how much she knew about her “intruder.”

Lara turned to the girl standing beside her mother. “And your name is Heather, isn’t it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I’m pleased to meet you, Heather.”


“Heather’s the reason we’re here,” Darcy said.

“Oh? What’s the problem?”

“I want you to put her on birth control pills.”


The girl was mortified, and Lara didn’t blame her. Unfortunately, Darcy was living up to Lara’s expectations. She was a first-class bitch. Wanting to spare Heather further embarrassment, Lara asked, “Nancy, which examination room is ready?”

Nancy was eyeing Darcy, her expression sour. “Three.”

“Thank you. Heather?” Smiling, Lara pulled open the connecting door and held it for the girl. Darcy fell into line behind her.

“Mrs. Winston, you may wait out here where you’ll be more comfortable. Nancy will need some information from you in order to start a patient file on Heather. If you like, she’ll get you something to drink while you wait.”

“She’s my daughter.” Her tone made it obvious that she was accustomed to intimidating people and getting her way.

“And this is my office,” Lara said with matching imperiousness. “Heather is my patient. I respect and protect the privacy of my patients.”

Without another word, she closed the door on Darcy’s tight, angry frown and showed the girl into the examination room. She left her there with Nancy, who would see that she was undressed, draped, and weighed before taking her blood pressure and collecting specimens of urine and blood.

Nancy summoned Lara from her office with a light tap on the door. As she moved back toward the waiting area, Nancy whispered, “How am I supposed to pacify Bat Lady?”

“Throw her a small rodent.”

Nancy gave her a thumbs-up sign. She went into the examination room where Heather was warily perched on the end of the table. “Everything okay?”

“Fine, I guess. I don’t like having my finger pricked.”

“Neither do I.”

“It’s better than having blood drawn from your arm, though. I hate needles.”

“They aren’t my favorite things either.”

“But you’re a doctor.”