Page 108 of Where There's Smoke

“I’m listening.” He took a beer from the refrigerator, propped one elbow on the top of the outdated appliance, tilted his head back, and took a long draft.

“It’s about a job.”

He lowered the can and looked at her with interest. “We’ve eliminated flying lessons, and I gather it’s not another emergency flight to the hospital.”


He regarded her for another long, silent moment before tilting the beer toward her and asking, “Want one?”

“No, thank you.”

He took another swig. “Well? My curiosity’s killing me.”

“I want you to fly me to Montesangre.”

He calmly finished his beer and tossed the empty can into the trash can with an accurate hook shot. He sat down in the swivel chair, leaned back, and propped his feet on the corner of the desk, pushing aside the gooseneck lamp with the heel of his boot.

Lara remained standing. There was no place for her to sit except on the cot. He didn’t offer it to her, and even if he had, she would have declined.

“You’ve asked me that more than once, and I’ve said no. Is there something wrong with your hearing?”

“I’m not joking.”

“Oh, you’re not joking,” he said, tongue-in-cheek. “Excuse me. Hmm. Well. Then are you figuring on parachuting out?”

She folded her arms beneath her breasts. “Of course not.”

“Surely you aren’t suggesting a landing on Montesangren soil. ’Cause to be suggesting that, you’d have to be plumb crazy.”

“I’m serious.”

“So am I, Doc. How’s your Spanish? Maybe you need t

o brush up on it. Do you know how Montesangre translates?”

“Yes. ‘Mountain of blood.’ I know firsthand that it’s a literal translation. I felt my daughter’s blood running warm and wet over my hands.”

He swung his feet to the floor and brought the chair upright. “Then why in hell do you want to go back?”

“You know why. I’ve been trying to go back for years, ever since I regained consciousness in that Miami hospital. I can’t get into the country through proper channels. They’re blocked.”

“So you’re looking at me as an improper channel.”

“In a manner of speaking.”

“In a manner of speaking, folks are getting blown away down there.”

“I’m fully aware of that.”

“And you still want to go?”

“I have to go.”

“But I don’t.”

“No, you don’t. I was thinking you might regard it as an adventure.”

“Well, think again. I’ve been called many things, but never a fool. If you want to go down there and get your ass shot off, that’s your business, but I’m kinda fond of my ass, so you can X me right out of your plans.”