Page 58 of Where There's Smoke

“Were you thinking of the kid when you bought the doctor’s supper?”

Rather than appear surprised or guilty that she also knew about his and Lara Mallory’s barbecue dinner, he shrugged. “I hadn’t eaten all day. I was hungry. She happened to be along when I stopped.”

Jody’s stare was hot with wrath. “I’m telling you one last time. Stay away from her. Do your drinking and whoring with somebody else.”

“Thanks for reminding me. I’m getting a late start tonight.” He strode to the sideboard, poured himself a shot of whiskey, and tossed it back defiantly.

Making a sound of disgust, Jody turned and left the dining room with a militant tread, climbing the stairs to the second story.

“Why can’t you two get along?”

Key rounded on his sister, prepared to make a defensive comeback. Her remorseful expression stopped him.

“Jody starts it, not me.”

“I know she’s difficult.”

He laughed sardonically at her understatement.

“Thank you for keeping my secret about Mr. Cato. Mama wouldn’t want an ex-con on the payroll, even if he has turned out to be an exemplary employee.”

Key cocked an eyebrow. “Exemplary employee? Isn’t it too soon to tell?”

“Mr. Cato isn’t the subject here,” she said primly before switching subjects. “Did you really take her to dinner?”

“Who? Lara Mallory? Jesus, what’s the big deal? I popped into Barbecue Bobby’s for some ribs. She happened to be along because I was giving her a ride home from the airstrip. That’s all there was to it. Is that a hanging offense?”

“She called me.”

His anger evaporated. “She what?”

“She called me last week. Out of the blue. I answered the company phone, and she identified herself. She was very gracious. She invited me to lunch.”

He laughed. “She invited you to lunch?” The notion was ludicrous.

“I was so taken aback, I didn’t know what to say.”

“What did you say?”

“I said no, of course.”


“Key! This is the woman who ruined Clark’s political future.”

“She didn’t rape him at gunpoint, Janellen,” he said wryly. “I doubt if she tied him to the bedpost, either. Unless it was for recreational purposes.”

“I don’t see how you can joke about it,” she said crossly. “Whose side are you on?”

“I’m on our side. You know that.” He stared into near space for a moment, bouncing the empty shot glass in his hand. “It might have been interesting if you’d accepted her invitation, though. I’d like to know what she’s up to.”

“Do you think she’s up to something?”

He thought about it for a moment. Admittedly his estimation of Lara Mallory had risen when he witnessed the determination with which she’d struggled to save the Leonard child’s life. He’d seen military medics less committed to saving a patient.

However, despite the courage and skill she’d demonstrated in that crisis, she was still the key player in the scandal that had irreparably compromised Clark. She wouldn’t have come to Eden Pass without strong motivation. She wanted something. She’d said as much when she told him she was holding an IOU she intended to collect.

You’re going to fly me to Montesangre.