Page 134 of Chill Factor

Dutch squeezed the steering wheel. “I want him to bleed.”




As though Lilly’s simple statement had snipped a thread holding Tierney in check, he moved. Somehow the blanket separating them was cast aside and he was on her, his mouth fastened to hers even before his arm went around her, before his other hand slid up into her hair.

His tongue was strong and bold, delicious with the taste of him. It was a potent kiss that freed her memory of ever having kissed anyone else. The sexiness of it was intoxicating, making her feel as if her bones were melting.

He raised his head and looked into her eyes. She met his gaze without fear or misgiving. Never breaking eye contact, he reached between their bodies and unfastened her slacks, worked his hand inside. Her panties were damp with wanting him. He lowered his head and flicked his tongue against her parted lips. Through them her breath was coming hot and rapid.

He slid his hand inside the silk and fit his palm over her mons. His fingers tapered into her cleft. And then he just held her like that. While they kissed. Nothing more. Only their tongues sliding against each other as though mating, while her sex pulsed inside the warm security of his hand.

Maybe he took his cue from the subtle arching of her back that pressed her more tightly against his palm. Or from the moan of heightened arousal that vibrated through her throat. Or maybe his own desire caused him to wedge his knee between hers, separating them. He levered himself up on one arm so he could get to his belt. He unbuckled it, unbuttoned his jeans, while she slipped out of her slacks and underpants.

Then in a single movement as supple as a ballet, he relaxed his arm, lowered himself onto her, pushed into her, sheathed himself with her. She made an inarticulate sound of pleasure that he echoed, and then they were quiet except for their heartbeats. Their breath mingled to create clouds of vapor above their heads.

After a time, he began to move. At first it was no more than a slow rocking, his hips against hers. But then he drew out further, pushed higher. The tempo increased gradually but steadily, until with a low growl, he suddenly stopped. She slid her hands past his waist, splayed them over the cheeks of his butt, and pulled him deeper into her.

He groaned, buried his face in her neck, and came.

When the crisis passed, he relaxed. Totally. She absorbed all his body weight. But only briefly. He gave himself scarce moments to recover before levering himself up several degrees.

Watching her expression with fierce intensity, he slowly reached behind him and slid his hand along her thigh until he reached her knee. Folding his hand around it, he guided it back until it was even with his shoulder, resting on her chest. He did likewise with the other knee. Her sex flowered open, exposing the tender center of it. He slid his hand between their bellies, into the damp where they were connected. The pad of his thumb found what it sought. His touch was delicate, but a jolt of sensation shot through her.

She almost sobbed as his thumb tantalized her with small, slippery circles. He lowered his head to her chest, raked his teeth across her nipple so she would feel the caress through all the layers of clothing. Ever so slightly he increased the pressure of his thumb.

The pleasure built and built until every nerve ending in her body buzzed and tingled, from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Her nipples strained to the point of near pain. A scream was trapped inside her throat as it arched high against his waiting lips. The walls of her body milked his penis, still buried deep inside her, ample even in its softness.

The aftershocks of the orgasm continued for several minutes. When finally they ceased, Tierney kissed her lips lightly and gathered her beneath him.

Neither made a move toward disengaging themselves.

Not a word had passed between them.

They hadn’t even disturbed the blankets covering them . . .

• • •

Lilly came awake with the memory of last night intact, every detail having replayed in her mind even while she slept. Her body felt languid and heavy, chafed by lust, drowsy with satiation. Tierney was curved around her, the fronts of his thighs aligned with the undersides of hers, her bottom snugly tucked into the concave warmth of his lap.

When she tried to move, he grumbled a protest and gently tightened his arm across her waist.


,” she whispered.

“Hurry back.”

“Save my place.” As she slid away from him, she glanced over her shoulder. His eyes were closed, but there was a smile on his lips.

In the fireplace, only a few live coals were glowing beneath a deep layer of ash. The room was frigid. She pulled on her coat as she tiptoed to the bedroom door. The hinges squeaked when she pushed open the door; she halted, looked over her shoulder. But Tierney had gone back to sleep. His even breathing continued uninterrupted.

She hoped he would sleep for several more hours to make up for yesterday’s exhaustion. His body needed rest in order to heal.

The bathroom was impossibly cold. She finished her business quickly and returned to the living room. Tierney still slept. As quietly as possible, she placed the two remaining logs on the grate and stirred the smoldering coals beneath, adding a few splinters of kindling to spark flames.