Page 123 of Chill Factor

“Please don’t. Not that you actually would.”

“The hell I wouldn’t. I’d welcome the chance.”

“Please, Tierney. Say you won’t.”

After a short silence, he said softly, “Okay, I won’t. Anyway, after tomorrow, I won’t be in a position to challenge anybody, will I?”

She didn’t reply to that. “One more thing?”


“Don’t tell anyone about it.”

“Why should I protect him?”

“Not him, me. For my sake, don’t tell anyone. Please.”

“All right.”


“You asked me not to tell, Lilly. I won’t tell.”

She believed that. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” A few moments lapsed, then he said, “Now sleep.”

She settled herself more comfortably and pulled the blankets up to her chin. But her eyes refused to close. She watched the fire eat away at a log until a charred piece of it broke off and fell into the embers. She continued to stare at it. She watched it take on heat and begin to glow hotly, turning red as it smoldered; then suddenly it rekindled and burst into flame.

She turned, bringing herself face-to-face with Tierney.

His eyes were open and watching her.

She whispered, “I don’t want to sleep.”

• • •

Scott depressed the doorbell out of habit before remembering that the electricity was off. He knocked hard several times and heard footsteps approaching. The door was pulled open. “Hello, Miss Ritt.”

“Scott,” Marilee exclaimed, evidently surprised to see him there. “Did I forget a tutoring session?”

“I came to see Mr. Ritt.”

She glanced over her shoulder toward the kitchen, where Scott could see William seated at the candlelit dining table. “We’re just finishing our dinner.”

“I can come back later.”

“No, no, come in.” She moved aside and waved him in. He stamped snow off his boots before stepping into the tiled entryway. As she closed the door behind him, she looked toward the curb. Seeing no car, she said, “You walked over?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Who is it, Marilee?” William called from the kitchen.

“Scott Hamer.”

William came from the kitchen, his napkin still tucked into his collar, lying like a bib over his narrow chest. “Good Lord, Scott, what’s brought you out tonight of all nights? Is your mother having another migraine?”

“No.” Scott darted a look toward Marilee, then said to William, “I need to talk to you in private.”