Page 81 of Chill Factor

“It doesn’t appear to be bleeding.” She extended him another cracker. But instead of taking it, he snatched her wrist, tightly closing his fingers around it. “I’ll survive, Lilly. I’m more worried about your survival.”

She tried to pull her hand free, but he held on. “Let go of my hand.”

“Unlock the cuffs.”

“No.” She struggled futilely.

“I’ll go to your car and get your medication.”

“Flee, you mean.”

“Flee?” He gave a short laugh. “You’ve been outside. You know what it’s like. How far do you think I’d get if I wanted to flee? I want to save your life.”

“I’ll live.”

“Your face is gray. I could hear every breath you took when you were in the living room. You’re struggling.”

“I’m struggling with you.”

This time when she tugged on her hand, he released it. She took several wheezing breaths. “Do you want this?” she asked, extending the last cracker toward him.


Rather than holding it within reach of his hands, she held it a few inches from his mouth. “Don’t bite me.”

Frowning as though she had again insulted him, he inclined his head forward and caught the cracker between his teeth, being careful not to touch her fingers. She snatched her hand back. He worked the cracker into his mouth. She picked up the empty plate and mug and headed for the living room.

“If you won’t let me go, at least move me in there, where I’ll be able to keep an eye on you.”


“If I’m in there, you’ll be able to watch me closer.”

“I said no.”



“You never did tell me Dutch’s theory about the ribbon. What does it represent to Blue?”

After a moment’s hesitation, she said, “Dutch says he’s using it as a symbol of his success to taunt the authorities.”

“I agree. And that’s probably the only time Dutch and I will ever agree on anything. The man’s a fool for a lot of reasons, one being that he left you alone on this mountain yesterday with an ice storm moving in. What was he thinking?”

“It wasn’t entirely his fault. I encouraged him to leave ahead of me.”


“I’m not going to talk to you about Dutch and me.”

He looked at her for a long moment, then said, “I respect you for that. Honestly, I do. I wouldn’t want you talking to him about us, either.”

“There is no us, Tierney.”

“That’s not true. Not at all. And you know it. Before you decided that I’m a deviate, we were well on our way to becoming an us.”

“Don’t read too much into one kiss.”