Page 52 of Chill Factor

Before she could react, he yanked the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders. It fell as far as her waist, leaving her breasts exposed. At once he had both arms around her, mashing her breasts against her chest.

Marilee moaned.

“Shh,” he hissed sharply.

She clamped her teeth over her lower lip.

He slid one hand down the center of her body and tried to work it between her thighs. “Open them.”


“Open them.”

She moved her feet apart a few inches.

“Wider.” She hesitated, then did as he ordered. He pushed his fingers into her. She met his eyes in the mirror; they seemed to be alight. “Get on your knees and put your face to the mattress.”

Planting her knees on the edge of the bed, she bent forward until her cheek was resting on the mattress. His hands were hot as he caressed her, separated her, exposed her. The tip of his penis probed and teased before he thrust into her.

Convulsively her hands gripped the sheet beneath her as tightly as her body clenched around him. He groaned and pressed dee

per. “Say it, what am I doing to you?”

She mumbled a reply into the mattress.


She repeated the word and rocked back against him.

“You’re going to come, aren’t you?” His strokes became shorter, faster.

On a serrated sigh, she moaned “Yes.”

The orgasm left her damp and weak and deliriously happy. It was just beginning to wane when she felt his climax. As he held her hips between his hands, his entire body strained and pulsed. She came again, her orgasm smaller this time but no less satisfying.

After catching her breath, she crawled forward onto the bed, then rolled over and reached for him. “That was exciting.” He knew all her fantasies because she had told them to him. They didn’t always act them out, but she loved when they did.

He took her breasts in his hands and rubbed his thumbs across her hard nipples. “You like to be scared.”

“I must, or I wouldn’t have you sneaking in here.” They shared a long and languid kiss. When they finally broke apart, she touched his face lovingly. “Did you catch my act in the bathroom?”

“Couldn’t you feel me watching?”

“Honestly, yes. The instant I came into the room, I knew you were here. I wanted to draw out the striptease longer. Maybe, you know, touch myself.”

“I’d like that.”

“Another time. It was too cold tonight. In fact, because of the weather, I didn’t expect you.”

He kissed his way down the center of her torso, then knelt between her open thighs. As he pressed his face into her, he groaned, “I can’t stay away from this.”

• • •

Outside Marilee’s bedroom, William listened at the door for a few more minutes, then, smiling smugly, barely suppressing a chuckle, silently crept back down the dark hallway to his own room.

• • •

Tierney’s question took Lilly off guard. She stared at him, too shocked to respond.