Page 74 of Hidden Fires

Maria and Lauren rushed back to her and saw another dark head emerging from the opening between her legs.

“Lauren, help her,” Maria commanded as she held the infant boy closer, trying to muffle his loud cries.

Lauren turned pale and started to object, but Gloria moaned again. She looked back to see the baby’s shoulders trying to push their way into the world. Trembling, Lauren took the child’s head in her hands as she had seen Maria do and gently pulled. The baby didn’t move, but it set up a howl even with mucus still clogging its small throat. Lauren was perspiring and shaking as she pulled more firmly on the slippery head. The baby almost popped out into her waiting hands. It was a girl.

She was laughing and crying all at once as she announced, “It’s a girl,” to the anxious mother whose face then relaxed into peaceful repose.

“Here, Lauren, you take this one and I’ll cut the cord.” Lauren laid the baby girl on the sheet as Maria shoved the other one at her before cutting the cord for his sister.

“Gloria, you have twins. One of each.” Maria was giggling like a young girl.

“Tell Rudy,” Gloria whispered weakly from the pillows. Lauren turned and left the room, still carrying the new boy who was making his presence known.

“Rudy, it’s twins! A boy and a girl!”

Rudy came to her quickly and looked down at his new son. “Twins?” he asked stupidly.

“Yes, come and see.” She led him back into the room where Maria held up the baby gi


“Twins!” He laughed, then whooped so loudly that the babies started screaming even louder.

“Now see what you’ve done,” scolded Maria as she laid the baby girl on Gloria’s shoulder. Rudy took his son from Lauren and sat down on the bed next to his wife. They oohed and aahed over the babies even while Maria was tending to Gloria between her raised knees. Lauren felt like an interloper, and left the room.

She didn’t realize how tired she was. It was late in the evening and she had spent most of the day in the room with Gloria and Maria. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast, but the emptiness she felt inside wasn’t hunger.

Crossing to the wardrobe, she opened the door. She took one of Jared’s shirts from its hanger and held it close to her. It had been over a mouth since she had seen her husband. She longed to share the experience of the birth with him, the wonder of it.

She lay down on the bed and pulled the shirt over her. Closing her eyes, she could see Jared’s face just as it was when he had gazed down at her in awe after he had made love to her. There had been no cynicism or bitterness on his face then. Only tenderness. Where are you now, Jared? What are you doing? Do you ever think of me?

She pulled off her shirtwaist and skirt and slipped Jared’s shirt over her head. Pulling a pillow against her, she fell asleep.

* * *

For the next few days, the arrival of the twins upset the normal routine of the household. The other children were continually underfoot trying to get glimpses of their new brother and sister. Lauren was amazed at the patience that Gloria exhibited. She listened to their chatter and managed to have a private time with each of them every day. Lauren knew she was fatigued after the birth and from the necessity of feeding two healthy infants, yet she didn’t neglect her other children.

Benjamin was the name given to the baby boy, in honor of his paternal grandfather, and Lauren was deeply moved when they named the girl after her.

“After all, you brought her into the world. And I hope she will grow up to be a lady like you.” Gloria had hugged her sister-in-law and ignored the tears rolling down her cheeks. She was quick to cry these days.

Young Benjamin and Lauren were one week old when something greatly disturbing happened. Rudy was in the house for the noon meal when one of the vaqueros came to the door and told him someone outside wanted to see him. The ranch hand shifted his eyes uneasily and looked ready to stand behind Rudy if support was needed.

Lauren followed Rudy out to the porch and saw the charcoal burner Wat Duncan and his sister June sitting on a derelict horse which was almost as dirty as his riders.

Duncan dismounted and strode toward them. “Howdee do, Seeñor Mendez. Heerd you had a new set of twins.” Duncan smiled his insolent smile. He had not changed clothes since Lauren had first seen him, only added layers in deference to the cold.

“What are you doing here, Duncan? You know only certain areas of Keypoint are open to you, and this is definitely not one of them.” Rudy’s voice was firm and cold.

“Well, I jes’ came to give you my congrajulashuns. It ’pears your babies is the only younguns that’ll be born in the Lockett fambly. Seein’ as how Jared deserted his purty bride an’ all.” He grinned sardonically at Lauren and she shivered under his lascivious scrutiny. She averted her gaze to June, whose shapely legs, bare and seemingly impervious to the cold wind, straddled her mount.

June was staring at Lauren spitefully and licked her dry, chapped lips when she met the other’s eye. “Reckon Jared had to go to Austin to find a warm bed for the winter,” she drawled.

“My brother’s business is none of your concern,” Rudy snapped, after a furtive glance at Lauren. It worried him that they knew so much about the happenings at Keypoint and Jared’s whereabouts. “He is engaged in important business with the railroad, but keeps in constant contact with us. Now, you’ll state your business and leave.”

Wat Duncan assumed an obsequious attitude. “Now don’tcha go gettin’ all riled up, Rudy. I come in good faith. Vandiver and some of his heavies been snoopin’ around and axin’ a lot of questions. I don’t give a good goddam what happens to them Mexies—no offense intended. I jes’ don’t want nothin’ to happen to my deal with Lockett. Y’all understand. It’s my bisness I’m worried about.”

The muscles of Rudy’s jaw had hardened to granite and Lauren saw him stroke the holster that held his six-shooter. “Get out of here, Duncan. Don’t ever come near this house again, or I’ll personally kill you. As for your business, it’s intact as long as Jared and I say so. Vandiver has nothing to do with it. Now get off this property.”