Page 70 of Hidden Fires

“Since when is it a disgrace to aid one’s fellow man?” Lauren considered the interview over then, and left Olivia alone with her hatred.

If Olivia planned to stymie Lauren’s actions, she found herself ill-equipped and ill-trained to do so. This was the type of work Lauren had done all her life. She was a good administrator. It was a rare talent to be able to talk someone into doing an unpleasant task and leave them thinking that it had been their idea in the first place.

Everyone was enamored with the courageous Mrs. Lauren Lockett. Olivia’s subtle, tentative suggestions that her daughter-in-law might be a bit ambitious met only high praise and enthusiasm for the projects.

When all her committees were in full swing and Pueblo already showed signs of improvement, Lauren decided to return to Keypoint. For the present, she had done all she could do. The cold hostility in the house in Coronado had become untenable. Now, as she faced Olivia purposefully, unafraid of the woman’s imposing mien, she said, “I spoke to Jared about Elena and Carlos, and he agreed.” That was the first time that Lauren Holbrook Lockett had told a lie, but she felt that she would be forgiven. “Besides, with both Jared and me away, I’m sure you can spare her. Pepe can escort us to Keypoint and bring the wagon back. He should be able to return the day after tomorrow.”

“You have it all planned, I see. What do you hope to accomplish with this little escapade? Do you intend to tell certain persons our plans in hopes that they will be aborted?” Olivia’s green eyes were daggers as she glared at Lauren.

“If I told Rudy,” she paused after emphasizing his name, “it could endanger him and his family. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their safety.”

“How thoughtful.”

Lauren ignored the sarcasm and continued, “I don’t think your barbarous plans will ever see fruition, Olivia. I don’t think Jared will take part. I’ve come to know him, and it would be against his nature to do such a despicable thing. It’s your soul I fear for, Olivia, not Jared’s.”

Olivia laughed with genuine pleasure. “What a fool you are. You think you have redeemed my son. I warrant that he would be a challenge for any missionary to try to save.” Then all amusement left her cold, beautiful face. “Don’t count on Jared. He belongs to me and will always do as I tell him to.”

Lauren rose gracefully from her chair and, totally composed, left the room.

* * *

The next morning dawned cold, rainy, and dreary, in perfect harmony with Lauren’s mood. Rosa bid a tearful goodbye to Elena, but the younger girl was jubilant. When Lauren had told her about taking her to Keypoint so she could live with Carlos, Elena had been overcome with gratitude. She couldn’t believe that it was really going to come about. Despite the dreadful weather, she was chattering merrily when they left.

The trip took longer than usual because of the rain and the muddy roads. Lauren sat on the seat of the wagon with Pepe, while Elena sat huddled under a tarp in the wagon bed.

They were cold and tired and hungry when they finally reached the ranch house late in the afternoon. Gloria ran out to meet them and hugged Lauren to her in a sisterly embrace.

“We’ve missed you so much. It’s good to see you. Where is Jared? Is he coming later?”

The mention of his name brought a lump to Lauren’s throat, but she answered calmly enough, “I don’t think he’s coming out this time. He has business in Austin.”

Gloria would have said more, but Lauren’s obvious reluctance to talk about her husband stifled any questions she would have asked. Would these two never get their differences settled?

“Gloria, this is Elena, Carlos Rivas’s wife and my friend. I’ve brought her with me to help you here in the house. I hope Rudy can arrange for them to live in one of the cabins. Do you think that’s possible?”

“We’ll make it possible. Welcome, Elena,” Gloria said, taking both of the girl’s hands in her own. “We think a lot of Carlos and I’m happy to finally meet you. We were sorry to hear about your baby. Will you help me take care of my children? They are more than I can handle.”

Gloria was reacting just as Lauren knew she would. Elena would be happy here. Lauren sighed and went into the house to greet the children and Maria. As each child was hugged, he or she had a special story to relate to Aunt Lauren. She listened to them avidly, jealous of their carefree innocence. They were full of questions about their hero, Uncle Jared, and she told them about his winning the shooting contest. They listened with wide, round eyes to the entire episode with the automobile.

Gloria shooed them into their rooms and Maria stepped forward to embrace Lauren, who welcomed the succor she found in those slender arms. Maria pulled away from her and looked deeply into the sad gray eyes. “I think you are unhappy, Lauren, no?” Lauren hung her head and nodded miserably. “We’ll talk later.” Maria patted her arm and turned to welcome Elena.

When he came in that evening, Rudy gave her a hearty kiss. At a signal from Gloria, he refrained from asking too many questions about Jared or the situation in Coronado.

Pleading exhaustion, Lauren retired early to her room. It was painfully reminiscent of Jared—his things, his clothes, his scent. Everything was a grim reminder of their parting.

She knew he hadn’t meant to strike her. That had been an accident. What she considered to be his betrayal was the harsh, angry words he had flung at her. Could those words have come from the same mouth that had kissed her with such tenderness? Kisses that even now as she remembered them made her body tremble?

It was futile to deny the sensations that rocketed through her whenever she recalled his lovemaking. Her body became as malleable as melting butter when she recalled his hands and lips and how they had aroused and pleased her. The intricacies of her body and his had been revealed to her under Jared’s practiced touch, yet she longed to know more. She wanted to feel again that sublime ecstasy that had encompassed her the moment his masculinity filled her and made her complete.

Love words he had chanted in her ear came back to haunt and mock her as she tossed restlessly on her pillow, which was already damp with tears.

* * *

Rudy gave the use of a cabin about a mile away from the large house to Carlos and Elena. He even permitted Carlos to take a day off to set up housekeeping. Very little got accomplished, but Elena was radiant the next morning when Carlos dropped her off at the ranch house before he reported to work. She fell right in with the routine in the kitchen and herded the children around with the patience of an experienced schoolmarm. The children adored her and minded her far better than they did either their mother or their indulgent Aunt Lauren or their grandmother, whom they manipulated unmercifully.

Lauren wasn’t in the Christmas spirit, but the holiday came nonetheless. On Christmas morning, James and John were delighted with a new pair of suspenders and play guns with holsters. The girls squealed when they found new petticoats and hair ribbons in their boxes from Aunt Lauren.

There was so much confusion amidst the packages and presents that Santa Claus had left behind, that no one noticed when Lauren slipped back into her bedroom and shut the door.