Page 34 of Hidden Fires

Rudy knew better than to press further. Scarcely a week later, Pepe came out to the ranch with supplies and the news that Jared was marrying the very girl he had claimed never to have seen and yet had called a “conniving little tart.” Well, Rudy thought, he’s seen her now. But good.

Gloria and Mamma were thrilled about the marriage, so Rudy had kept his reservations about its future to himself. If Jared had a brain in his head, which Rudy sometimes doubted, he would keep this woman under lock and key. She was gorgeous, and a lady, and, by the tortured look on Jared’s face, he wasn’t oblivious to her charms. He chuckled to himself. Good for you, Lauren.

He spoke out loud, “Gloria, my wife, is looking forward to meeting you, Mrs. Lockett. She’s been more excited than the kids.”

“Please call me Lauren. How many children do you have, Mr. Mendez?”

“I’m Rudy.” He grinned. “Well, let’s see,” he said, silently ticking off names on his fingers. “Jared, help me. Is it six or seven?”

Jared snorted. “I think when I left it was six, with number seven well on the way. Of course, if Gloria has delivered early, I?

?m sure you’ve already started number eight.”

“Don’t be crude in front of your bride,” Rudy scolded, but his eyes were twinkling. He looked several years older than Jared, and there was something familiar about him.

Lauren was trying to decide what it was when she saw the ranch house. It was large and sprawling, a one-story building of limestone blocks with a cedar shingle roof. Four cedar posts supported the roof over a wide front porch running the breadth of the house. There were several outbuildings, all built of the same materials. Well-constructed corrals dotted the compound. Laughing, squealing children played about the yard, the only area where grass was growing. The two horses were led into the yard and halted before a hitching post. Rudy dismounted.

Jared and Lauren remained as they were for a moment before Jared looked down at her and said softly, “You were frightened. I’m sorry.”

His face was very close to hers. There was no measurable expression on it, but the voice was so unlike any he had formerly used that she was held spellbound. Emotion swelled her throat, but she said, “It’s all right. I’ve recovered.” Again she witnessed that quick lifting of the corners of his mouth that might be considered a smile.

He took a firm hold around her waist with one arm and lowered her gently to the ground. On her descent, his hand slid from her waist to her armpit. His fingers lightly grazed her breast.

They were both shaken by the contact. Lauren tried to recover herself by straightening her clothing. Jared swung down from his horse as if irritated. Rudy, who had seen the whole thing and noted the reactions, caught Jared’s eye and winked slyly. Jared glowered at him.

The door of the house was flung open and Gloria flew out of it. The children, who had spotted their father and Jared, rushed over to them, grabbing them around the legs, pushing and shoving and vying for their attention.

“Lauren, Lauren, welcome. I’m Gloria.”

The uninhibited Gloria hugged Lauren in a warm, encompassing embrace. Lauren laughed at the Mexican woman’s exuberance. She was older than Lauren and, though she lacked the classic beauty of Elena, was very pretty. Her olive complexion glowed with health and happiness, which were also reflected in her dark eyes. Like Elena, she was expecting a child, though her time wasn’t as imminent. She wore a dark skirt, with a full but tailored shirtwaist over it in deference to her condition. Her glossy black hair was pulled back from a center part into a chignon at the back of her head.

“Thank you, Gloria. I’m happy to be here. I hope our visit hasn’t put you to any trouble.”

“No, no. Besides, this is Jared’s home. I’m just glad the scoundrel has finally brought a wife to it. I’ve been after him for years to get married. Now I’m glad he waited. I bet he is, too.” She laughed and pinched Jared on both cheeks, having to stand on tiptoe to reach him. He leaned down and kissed her soundly on the mouth, his arms encircling her waist.

“If Rudy would let you out of bed long enough, we’d run off together, wouldn’t we, Gloria?” He hugged her tight and patted her bottom. She pushed him away with feigned annoyance.

“You! Here with your bride, hugging a fat, pregnant lady! Shame on you, Jared Lockett.” She grinned at him affectionately.

Such familiarity appalled Lauren, but then, what about this culture hadn’t shocked her? Rudy shepherded the children toward her.

“Lauren, may I present James, John, Maria, Anna, and Lucy. Who’s missing?” he asked.

One of the boys piped, “Consuelo. She’s little. She’s in the house taking a nap,” he explained to Lauren.

“Children, this is Jared’s wife, Lauren.”

Lauren looked at the faces turned up to her and met five steady, curious stares. One of the girls, five-year-old Anna, whispered reverently, “You’re beautiful.”

Lauren smiled. Leaning down to the child’s level, she said, “I was going to say the same thing about you.”

“Lunch is ready. Come on in.” Gloria took Lauren’s arm and hurried her toward the house. Lauren winced with each painful step as the abused muscles in her thighs and bottom throbbed.

They stepped into a large room that was as wide as the house. At one end was a stone wall with a fireplace large enough for a man to stand in. At the other end was a dining alcove containing a table, sideboard, and china cabinet. In between was a comfortable living area, which exuded an aura of warmth and welcome. There were several long sofas, easy chairs, and ottomans, colorful rugs scattered over the quarry tile floors, paintings depicting Western culture, bookcases filled to capacity, and a roll-top desk. Lauren loved it.

Two hallways led off the big room, and she assumed they led to bedrooms. Another door off the dining area, she knew, must lead to the kitchen. Gloria beamed as Lauren complimented her on the decor.

“I’ll show you to Jared’s room. I’ve tried to tidy it up for you, and add a few feminine touches. You know how barren a bachelor’s room can look.”