Page 28 of Hidden Fires

Without waiting for an answer, Kurt leaned toward her and pressed thick, hard lips against hers. She recoiled even as Jared’s fingers gripped her shoulder so hard that she almost cried out from the pressure.

Kurt smiled a slow, provoking smile and moved away.

Jared watched with a deadly glint in his eyes as Kurt sat down beside one of the local girls who was heartbroken over this sudden marriage. The ever-watchful eyes of Parker Vandiver saw the animosity on Jared’s face. He chuckled to himself and thought how stimulating the next few months would be. He relished dissension.

Jared was unaware that he still held Lauren in a deathlike grip until she shifted her weight uncomfortably. He withdrew his arm quickly and muttered under his breath, “No one can resist your charms, can they, Mrs. Lockett?” In the same undertone he warned her, “Smile, Lauren. You’re the radiant bride and don’t you forget it.”

One of the other guests came over then and Jared resumed his character of loving bridegroom with the ease of an experienced actor. Lauren’s head spun with the effects of the champagne and the emotional clamor of the past week. She longed to excuse herself and seek the cool serenity of her room. But, of course, that was out of the question.

Ben’s widow reigned over the reception with her customary regal bearing. She looked beautiful today, Lauren noted. The silver streaks in her dark hair caught the afternoon sunlight, and her smooth face was flushed with excitement. Lauren suspected that this was as close as Olivia could ever come to being happy. She wore a dress of sea-green georgette, and it floated around her tall, imposing figure like a mist.

Carson paid court to her in his pitiful, humble way. Lauren felt great tenderness and sorrow for this man. He had never shown her anything but kindness, obviously a rare sentiment in this house. He was pathetic in his devotion to Olivia, who either ignored, patronized, or berated him with equal aptitude.

Lauren’s glance around the crowded room chanced to fall on Kurt Vandiver. His blue eyes were penetrating under the white-blond brows, and she felt unnerved by his stare. Instinctively, and totally unaware that she did so, she moved closer to Jared, welcoming the protection his large physique intimated.

He looked down at her quickly, distracted by her touch from his conversation with one of the bank directors’ wives. He followed Lauren’s anguished gaze across the room to Vandiver, who was lounging against the wall. Impulsively Jared slid his arm around Lauren’s slender waist and rested his hand just under her breast.

The movement wasn’t lost on Kurt. Like a voyeur wandering through a bordello, he licked his lips lasciviously. Lauren shuddered, but didn’t know if she were reacting to the lewd expression on Kurt’s face or the warm pressure of Jared’s hand seemingly burning through the fabric of her dress.

Kurt winked at Jared, pushed away from the wall, and strolled through a door leading to the wide porch outside.

Jared and Lauren didn’t move. The banker’s wife gushed and simpered, totally unaware of the drama being played out beside her.

Lauren could smell the starch that kept Jared’s shirtfront crisp, which blended intoxicatingly with tobacco and champagne. When he spoke in confidential tones to the silly woman, Lauren could feel the vibration of his voice in his chest. The bank director’s wife moved away, and still Jared retained his possessive hold on her. His hand trembled slightly as his thumb moved upward and lightly stroked the side of her breast. Or did she only imagine it? Lauren thought she would die from the constriction in her chest that pounded up into her throat and sought release in a small moan.

Another guest walked toward them. Slowly, reluctantly, the strong fingers were withdrawn, leaving behind an imprint on Lauren’s skin as scorching as a brand.

* * *

The afternoon had waned into an indigo twilight. The guests were gone. Carson and Olivia sat together on one of the sofas. They were weary and relieved that, at last, the ordeal was over.

“Well, we pulled it off beautifully. Everyone was convinced that it was a marriage made in heaven. And word will get around,” Olivia gloated.

“We owe it all to Lauren,” Carson said generously. “You are a beautiful bride, my dear.”

“Yes. She’s the perfect little wife, all right.” Jared smirked at Lauren, who was helping Rosa load dishes onto a large tray. He tossed down a tumbler of whiskey.

Olivia coughed to cover a malicious smile that rose unbidden to her lips. Obviously her son disliked his wife. That could be most advantageous in the future. “You performed your part well, too, Jared,” she said. “Treat Lauren courteously in public, and no one will be the wiser.”

Lauren kept her eyes lowered. She was still no part of them, and they cared nothing for her feelings.

“You can stay at Keypoint for as long as you like. We’ll pass that off as your honeymoon. Not very glamorous, but if anyone inquires, we’ll say that Lauren was eager to see the ranch,” Olivia remarked, stifling a yawn.

“Good,” Jared said. “I can’t wait to get back. When I left—”

“We know your unwarranted enthusiasm for the ranch, Jared. Please don’t bore us with it now,” Olivia said curtly. Her laziness of the moment before was gone.

Jared’s lips pressed together in a hard line before he said brusquely, “Lauren, we’ll leave first thing in the morning. And I mean first thing. You can ride, can’t you?” The question sounded almost like a dare.

“Yes, I can ride, Jared,” she said. He scowled at her. Had he wished she couldn’t? Would he have liked to find another flaw to ridicule?

“Then we’ll go on horseback,” he said impatiently. “Pepe’ll bring our bags in a flatbed.” Then, looking at her, he said sharply, “We’re traveling light, so don’t pack everything you own.”

“I hadn’t intended to,” she shot back, her own ire rising under his imperiousness. She continued in spite of his dark look, “Since we are to leave early, I think I’ll go upstairs. Goodnight, Carson. Goodnight, Olivia.” Her head was held high and her back was straight as she crossed the room. At the doorway, she paused and looked at her mother-in-law. She found it difficult to say what she knew she should. “I know you went to tremendous effort and expense, Olivia. Though it wasn’t for my sake, I appreciate your doing it just the same. The flowers, the food, the clothes, everything was lovely. Thank you.”

The other three didn’t say anything for several moments after Lauren left them.

Then Carson coughed uneasily and said quietly, “Jared, treat her kindly. We have our ulterior motives, but she is an innocent party in all this. Be gentle with her.”