Page 15 of Hidden Fires

“What is this, anyway?” he asked softly. His fingers closed around the watch pinned to her shirtwaist. His breath stirred the fine hairs that framed her face, and she caught the pungent fragrance of tobacco.

He held the watch in the palm of his hand and stared at it in a silent pensiveness that contrasted with the fierce emotional explosions that erupted from deep within Lauren’s body.

She was on fire. Every cell burned with an unnamed compulsion to move even closer to this man who tormented her with his nearness.

The brooch was laid back in its original position, but not without the firm pressure of Jared’s hand on her breast to assure its security.

For long moments, time ceased to exist. Amber eyes locked with gray, and the cynicism in the amber ones was replaced by wonderment. Jared’s head descended toward Lauren’s with imperceptible motion. For one heartbeat, she thought he was about to kiss her. Her moist lips parted of their own volition.

She didn’t know that it was that involuntary gesture of welcome which jerked him back into the shell of scorn he used for protection. Mockery cooled the eyes that had been clouded with warmth, and Lauren was sensitive to the change. The pressure on her breast increased, but without the former tenderness.

She swatted his hand in a lightning reaction.

He chuckled deep in his throat. “What’s the matter, Miss Holbrook? I was only c

hecking the time of day,” he sneered.

She ignored his sardonic words and tried desperately to restore balance to the spinning world. Still, she was gasping when she said, “Please, Mr. Lockett, I have a lot of work to do.” Why was her heart thumping this way? Her whole chest was hurting and congested. She could no longer look directly into his handsome face or those brown-gold eyes. Why didn’t he leave? Why didn’t she want him to?

He stepped away from her and took a long draw on the cheroot which he had been holding at his side in his inactive hand. “I’ll see you at dinner, I guess,” he drawled.

He never looked back as he sauntered down the hall to his room. Lauren walked, entranced, to her door, and closed it.

Chapter 5

They were all in the formal parlor adjacent to the dining room. Lauren could hear their muffled voices as she descended the wide staircase. Not only would she have to endure her first dinner with Jared Lockett at the table, but Elena had informed her there were three guests tonight. One was Mr. Wells, whom she felt moderately comfortable with. She had shared most dinners with him at Olivia’s table. The other two guests were important men from Austin.

Lauren’s dress rustled against her legs as she walked across the wide foyer. She dreaded entering the dining room. Meeting these powerful men from the state capital would be intimidating enough, but the real cause of her consternation was having to face Jared Lockett. Her private introduction to him in her room this afternoon had left her flustered.

She wore her best dress, a peacock-blue crepe. The high collar and straight, tight sleeves were trimmed with cream-colored lace. The cummerbund was of the same cream color and adorned with one pink silk rose that was pinned to the left side of her waist.

Nervously she stood framed in the doorway, watching the others.

Olivia and Carson were bent in concentration over some charts that the two men from the capital had spread before them on a low table. All four were poring over the diagrams with rapt attention.

Jared was slouched in a chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him with booted ankles crossed. He was examining the contents of a crystal tumbler with the exactitude of a chemist. The amber liquid matched the color of his eyes.

The room was another expression of Olivia’s perfect taste. It was softly lit by glass lamps shaded with frosted globes. The sofas and chairs, arranged in harmonious order, were upholstered in pastel damasks and blended beautifully with the drapes that were drawn across the large windows. A Persian rug woven with the same muted greens, golds, and beiges evidenced in the furniture covered a large portion of the floor.

Each vase, ashtray, and picture had been chosen and positioned with utmost care. It was a peaceful room. But, like the woman who had decorated it, it lacked warmth and cheer.

Carson Wells was the first to notice Lauren, and he immediately jumped up from his chair and came toward her, both hands extended.

“Miss Holbrook, you are indeed looking beautiful tonight.” He always met her with chivalry that was as overdone and outdated as his muttonchop sideburns, but Lauren appreciated his welcoming smile and returned it tremulously.

“Good evening, Mr. Wells.”

“Come and let me introduce you to our guests.” He took her arm and escorted her toward the two men standing near the table where they had previously been involved in their discussion.

“Miss Lauren Holbrook, may I present Mr. Parker Vandiver and his son, Kurt. Gentlemen, Miss Holbrook.”

Lauren nodded to each of them as they acknowledged the introduction. Kurt Vandiver took her hand in his, raised it, and kissed the air inches above it.

“It is indeed an honor to meet so lovely a woman here in Coronado. An honor and a surprise,” said Kurt, his blue eyes glinting in the soft light.

A rude, derisive sound came from across the room. Everyone chose to ignore it, but the embarrassed tint in Lauren’s cheeks deepened.

“We’re proud of our beautiful Texas women, Miss Holbrook, but it seems they’ve all been transplanted from places like North Carolina. I believe Carson said that was your home?” The younger Vandiver hadn’t released her hand and, as he spoke the flowery compliment, Lauren gently pulled it away from his firm grasp.