Page 10 of Hidden Fires

Lauren caught Elena’s hands when the maid tried to remove her other underwear. Hastily she stepped into the bathroom, which was decorated as tastefully as the bedroom. She looked gratefully at the bathtub of scented water, stepped into it, and eased her tired, sore body into the steamy water. She finished bathing, and was luxuriating in the first relaxation she had known for days, when Elena bustled in. Lauren gasped in surprise for, since early adolescence, no one had seen her naked.

“La señorita is ready for me to wash her hair, sí?”

“No!” Lauren protested, desperately trying to cover herself. When she saw the hurt expression on Elena’s face, she added hurriedly, “I can do it myself.”

“But why should you? I’m here,” Elena said with happy logic. “Señor Lockett say, ‘Take care of the young lady,’ and so I do.” She made the sign of the cross across her enormous breasts at her mention of Ben.

Elena had already begun to take the pins from Lauren’s hair, which needed no encouragement to cascade down her back to her waist. The Mexican girl continued to chatter as she poured pitcher after pitcher of warm water over Lauren’s head. She lathered the thick tresses in a massage that was hypnotic. Lauren felt her nerves dissipating under Elena’s capable hands.

“Señor Lockett look so forward to you coming. He tell all of us about the pretty lady who come to live with us. He order the room be made ready. He check it himself to make sure everything okay.” Before Lauren could protest, Elena pulled her out of the tub.

Lauren’s efforts to cover herself were ineffectual, but Elena didn’t seem to notice her embarrassment. The bright pink blush that suffused Lauren’s body was due only in part to her warm bath.

It was necessary for her to change the subject away from herself and Ben. She couldn’t think of him now. Her grief would be saved for a more private time. She asked companionably, “When is your baby coming?”

“Quién sabe?” Elena shrugged. “When he get ready to come, he come.” She smiled.

“What does your husband do?”

“Oh, he one fine vaquero on the Lockett ranch. His name is Carlos. He one fine man.” She rolled her expressive eyes at Lauren, who blushed instinctively. She didn’t want Elena to elaborate.

“Isn’t it late for you to still be working? Feel free to go anytime.”

Elena’s laughter bubbled forth again. “Señorita, I live here. Carlos stay at the ranch, and I stay here. We get together when we can at his mamma’s house in Pueblo.”

Lauren was aghast. “But surely you would rather have your own home and live together!”

“Sí, but we would also like to eat. With no money, we could do neither.” She giggled.

“I see,” Lauren murmured, although she didn’t see at all. Thus far, she understood nothing of this alien land and its people.

They were back in the bedroom. Elena took a nightgown out of one of Lauren’s bags and slipped it over her head. Lauren stood in the middle of the room feeling lost and helpless as Elena arranged dishes on a large tray. Apparently she had carried it up with her and deposited it on the table before she had awakened Lauren. Delicious aromas filled the room as Elena lifted the lids of the dishes, and Lauren’s mouth began to water. She hadn’t eaten since… when?

Elena set the tray on Lauren’s lap. On it were a beautifully grilled steak, potatoes, a salad, and two kinds of bread. One was a yeast roll, and the other was a flat, round bread that was totally foreign to Lauren. There was also a bowl of beans with a tomato sauce ladled over them.

“What is this?” she asked, pointing to the bread.

“Tortilla. Bread made of corn,” Elena explained.

Lauren took a bite and found that it had very little flavor. Then Elena scooped some butter on it, salted it lightly, and rolled it like a cigar. It was delicious. “Tortilla?” Lauren repeated the word, and Elena nodded, clapping her hands.

Lauren then pointed to the bowl of beans.

“Frijoles,” Elena said. “With picante.”

Lauren had lost her timidity now, and took a generous mouthful. She knew instantly that she had made a grave error. Her mouth was on fire! She quickly swallowed what she couldn’t manage to spit out, appalled that she could do such an unladylike thing. Elena was laughing so hard that her breasts and stomach were bouncing.

“Water,” Lauren croaked. She gulped the glass that Elena gave her and asked for more. Finally the fire was out, but she tentatively tasted the other foods before taking any more big bites. The rest of the meal was delicious, and she finished everything—except the frijoles.

Despite Lauren’s objections, Elena braided her hair into one long plait. The maid then hurried to pull down the bedcovers.

“Go to bed now, señorita, and rest. It has been a hard day, sí?”

“Yes, it has.” She climbed into the bed as Elena quietly loaded the tray and went around the room turning off the gas lamps.

“Buenas noches, señorita,” she whispered as she left the room.

“Goodnight, Elena.”