Page 164 of Outfox


“Talia okay?”

“She’s still asleep.”

The unasked question hovered between them. Drex chose to ignore it. “Have you heard from Locke?”

“Check your email. He sent the coroner’s reports about ten minutes ago.”

“I haven’t turned on my laptop yet. I’ll get to them as soon as we hang up.”

“No surprises in the one on Elaine Conner. The woman last night? He came up behind her, probably caught her in a nelson, snapped her spinal column, C-six.”


“Tell me.”

Drex said, “What worries me most is the cheekiness of it. He killed that woman and hung around.”

“In the hope that you would show.”

“No doubt, but staying in the vicinity is out of his norm. He’s done it twice now within twenty-four hours. Takes balls.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Mike said. “It takes a psychopath. He’s accelerating.”

“Spiraling at the speed of a tornado.”

“Because you’ve come too close.”

“He’s taunting me. These two dead women are his red cape.”

“We’ve got to put this cocksucker out of commission, Drex.”

“I know. But listen, Mike, you can’t come back here.”

“I already figured that.”

“Beyond the chance of leading Rudkowski to Talia and me, I need you to stay with Gif.”

“Figured that, too. At least through today to make sure he’s on the mend.”

“Are you okay with hanging out there?”

“I’m better off than Gif.”

“I know, but—”

“Did you hug a nurse?”


“A nurse. Gray hair, smiling eyes?”

Drex remembered her now. “She promised to take good care of Gif.”

“Well, she must’ve enjoyed that hug. Since you aren’t here, she’s taken me under her wing. Fetched me a pillow and blanket last night. This morning, she brought me a washcloth and towel. I took a sponge bath in the men’s room. There’s a large cafeteria. I’ve got my laptop and charger. I’ll be doing for you here what I’d be doing for you there. I’m fine. So long as Rudkowski leaves me alone, but I doubt he’ll make another scene like he did last night.”

“Thanks, Mike. I’ll stay in touch. Let me know if you see an opportunity for me to talk to Gif.”