Page 17 of Outfox

“According to her, the late Mr. Conner was an avid boatman. He taught her how to pilot in case there was ever an emergency and she had to take over for him. She’s coaching Jasper. Once we clear the buoys, she lets him have the wheel.”

“He seemed eager to be at the helm.”

“He loves boats and all things aquatic.”

“What about you?”

“I enjoy our outings, but I don’t have a passion for the water.”

“No? What turns you on?”

Possibly she was reading innuendo into the question when none was intended. Otherwise it bordered on being inappropriate. Since they were going to be trapped on a boat together for hours, she chose to make a joke of it rather than an issue.

“Nutella,” she said. “I eat it with a spoon straight from the jar.”

He laughed.

The lighthearted mood had been reestablished. Feeling more comfortable, she settled in her chair, tucking her right foot beneath her hips. She motioned toward his cap. “Did you go to Tennessee?”

“No. A buddy of mine is an alum and gung-ho fan. We went camping last summer, and I came home with his cap mixed up in my stuff. I never gave it back.” He grinned. “It’s ragged. I doubt he’s missed it.”

She smiled, then looked away, distracted by another boat passing them as it entered the marina. She waved to those onboard, and they waved back. But once the boat was past them, she again got the feeling that Drex Easton was studying her, and when she turned back to him, she caught him at it. “What?”

He pointed toward her empty glass. “You passed on a refill of Champagne. Can I go below and get you something else?”

“You shouldn’t be waiting on me. You’re the guest.”

“But you didn’t invite me. Jasper did. You probably would have preferred not having to entertain today. You got in late last night.”

She tilted her head inquisitively.

“I heard your car when you pulled into the driveway.”

“I’m sorry I disturbed you.”

“You didn’t. I wasn’t asleep. I haven’t slept through the night since I moved in.”

“A new place takes some getting used to. Give it a few more nights.”

“I don’t think a few more nights are going to improve the lumpy mattress. The fan Jasper loaned me helped with the heat.”

“He lent you a fan?”

“His generosity knows no bounds.”

She smiled. Then, to her chagrin, she yawned. “Forgive me. The truth is, I didn’t get a full night’s sleep, either, and the Champagne has made me drowsy.”

“Then I’ll shut up and let you doze. Or would you rather I leave you in peace and…relocate?”

When he smiled in a certain way, an attractive dimple appeared in his right cheek behind the piratical scruff. She figured he knew that dimple was attractive and

doubted he would relocate if she took him up on his offer.

“You may stay,” she said.

“Ah, good. I’m drowsy, too. And after two days of moving in, it feels good to sit and do nothing.” He slouched deeper into his chair, pulled the brim of his cap down to the top of his sunglasses, and linked his fingers over his lap. No rings. A sizeable but unadorned wristwatch with a black leather band.

His hands were large and long-fingered, with plump veins crisscrossing the backs of them. His sleeves were rolled up to midway between wrist bone and elbow. Even though he appeared relaxed, she sensed tensile strength in his limbs.