Page 140 of Outfox

“Sure,” Gif said.

Drex spotted a stack of cookbooks on one of the living area end tables. “I see you got my message. Start digging into them.”

“They don’t look used enough to hold secrets,” Gif said.

“Maybe not, but check anyhow.”

“In the meantime, what are you going to do?”

They both looked toward Mike as though expecting an innuendo involving Talia. He raised both hands again. “What? This is me, being nice. Besides, that setup was so easy it was beneath me.”

Drex actually gave him a grudging smile as he lifted his duffel bag off the sofa. “I’m going to my room to think.”

“About what?”

“About what I would do now if I were Jasper.”

Chapter 29

Talia released the chain and opened the door. She looked so forlorn that Drex asked her what the matter was.

“I’m sorry my brainstorm didn’t pay off.”

“Most brainstorms don’t. We celebrate the odd occasions when they do.”

“Those odd occasions are what keep you going?”

“What keeps me going is that I haven’t caught him yet.”

“It’s going to be more difficult now that you’ve resigned. Maybe if you appealed to Rudkowski, he would disregard what you did this morning.”

“You heard him. Does he sound like a man to whom a mea culpa would make a dent?”


“However, I might attempt it except for the time it would cost.”

“And you think time is of the essence, don’t you?”

Not wanting to alarm her—yet—he hedged. “I need to shut myself off and think. Are you going to be all right for a while?”

“After the night and morning I’ve had? I need some downtime, too.”

He gave a strand of her hair a tug then kept hold of it. “I wish I’d seen you in action in the locker room. Gif said you struck just the right note. Somewhere between a pit bull and pitiful.”

“I’m out of my league.”

He tucked the strand of hair behind her ear and rubbed the lobe he’d taken a bite of earlier. “I’m afraid I am, too.”

“Why do you say that?”

He lowered his hand. “Jasper’s been at this for three times longer than I’ve been chasing him. He’s had more practice.” He gave her a grim smile as he checked his watch. “We’re regrouping at six o’clock. Gif’s going to bring in dinner.”

They climbed the stairs. The two bedrooms were separated by a short hallway, the shared bathroom between them. “I put my things in here.” She pointed to the bedroom on the right. “I’ll see you a little before six.”

She turned away, but before she’d taken a single step, he reached for her and brought her around. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her.

“I want to lie down with you so bad.” He