Page 83 of Blind Tiger

Randy leaned across the arm of his chair and crooked his finger. Landry moved closer. Randy said, “The public library hosts a Bible study every Tuesday night for young singles.”

“What’s to whisper about?”

Randy giggled. “What’s to whisper about is what happens after Bible study.”

Landry pretended that was the most delicious piece of information he’d ever heard. “Do tell.”

“Those young ladies who sing in church choirs on Sunday are just dying to be led astray on Tuesday. So me and some other guys—”

“Like who?”

“Davy and Mike O’Connor? Know them?”

“I don’t believe so.”

“You’d know if you did. They’re twins. Anyhow, they’ve joined the Bible study because they work for Deacon Logan, and his wife is practically a missionary. She…” He hiccupped, then waved his hand. “Doesn’t matter. Tonight, we treated a few of those young ladies to all the sin they could handle.”

“You and these O’Connor brothers?”

“They are my kind of folk. If you know what I mean?” He bobbed his eyebrows.

“Drunk and disorderly?”

Randy roared with laughter.


“Oh, sorry.” He pressed his index finger vertically against his lips.

“You know what?” Landry said, as though he’d had a sudden inspiration, when actually he’d been planning this since his talk with Mayor Croft about Randy and his loose tongue. “I could use some diversion. I had a rather dull evening tonight with Mr. Hutton.”

“Tight-lipped, isn’t he? Good at cards, though. Do you think he cheats?”

“If he does, he’s good. I haven’t caught him at it.”

“No, me neither. Lost five bucks to him.”

Landry pushed out of his chair. “Come on.”

Randy stood up swaying. “Where’re we going?”

“For a drive. Did you sinners drink all your hooch?”

“Still have half a jar under the seat of my car.”

“Then let’s go in it.” He threw his arm across Randy’s shoulder. “But I’ll drive.”


Dusk was easing into full-blown darkness when Bill Amos came out of his headquarters and headed toward his car. Thatcher had been waiting for this opportunity to speak to him in private.


The sheriff turned as Thatcher materialized out of the wide band of shadow under the eaves of the building. “Hey, Thatcher. What’s doing?”

“Got a minute?”

Bill glanced back toward his office, hesitated, then asked, “Have you had supper?”