“What is this?” I ask.

“A shortcut.” Alwar points to the door lowest to the ground and instructs Tiago to open it.

“Alwar?” My tone is riddled with vulnerability. I want to trust him. My heart says I should, but if I’ve learned anything, it’s to trust no one.

Alwar turns to me and offers a smile. Yes, that smile. “I promise you will be okay, Lake.”

“Why do I sense there’s a ‘but’ coming?”

“Because you will have to trust me, and I know you do not want to.”

“What’s the but, Alwar? Tell me what’s the goddamned but.”

“But you need to step through.”

I look at the door Tiago’s unlocked. “Where does that go?”

“There is more than one bridge, Lake.”

“Why more than one? And why didn’t you say so?”

“Can you promise you won’t be taken by a Flier in the middle of the afternoon and become a blood slave to the Blood King? No. You cannot. Which is why some features of the wall are secret.”

Alwar picks me up, and I hate the fact he can do that. For some messed-up reason, ever since he saved me from that pit, I keep feeling we’re equals despite my size. My heart is just as big as his when it comes to loyalty.

He lowers his head and engulfs me in the intense gaze of his deep blue eyes. “You must trust me and go through. The master bedroom of your grandmother’s mansion has surely been locked down by now. Gabrio will have seen to it. This door,” he points to the one in front of me, “will take you somewhere else.”

“Okay. Fine. All I’m asking is where.”

There’s a loud crash in the hallway, followed by the sound of clanking metal and men grunting.

The Mountain People are inside.

“Go! Now!” Alwar takes my hand, being as gentle as ever, but looks at Master. “You go first. Make sure to keep her safe, especially after the No Ones come for Gabrio.”

Master doesn’t bark, blink, or whine. He turns and shoves his nose through the open door. He vanishes.

“What the…?”

“Your turn, Lake.”

I look up at Alwar. “What if I don’t make it?”

He places his index finger over my heart. “You survived the Blood King. You are Norfolk, and you can survive anything.” Alwar grabs me, and fuck if I don’t feel him kiss the top of my head before he shoves me through the door.

“Wait! Don’t I want to—”

Suddenly, I’m sucked into a black hole, my weakened body being torn to shreds and lit on fire.

Will I make it to the other side?

Will Alwar and Tiago hold the wall so I’m safe to heal?

What the hell does it matter if I’m not willing to return and fight the other living proxy?

All I know is that this might be the final chapter of my journey. And right now, more than ever, my body wants the comfort of the Blood King to take me away from all this chaos. But my heart is with the two giants fighting to keep the wall from falling.

“Lake? Are you all right?” I hear Gabrio’s deep voice next to me, but I can’t open my eyes just yet. My body is screaming with pain, trying to put itself back together. Along the length of my arm, I feel soft fur. Master whimpers.

I made it. He made it. Thank God.

“I know you are still settling from the journey,” Gabrio says, “but I need you to tell me where your grandmother kept her set of keys.”

Keys? Several moments pass until I’m finally able to open my eyes. I’m surrounded by cold white enamel and a plastic curtain.

“Why am I in Grandma’s bathtub?” I look up at Gabrio, who’s dressed in Bard’s clothing. He’s the size of a normal man. I study the fine details of his face—the emerald green eyes, the honey brown beard, and golden blond hair to his shoulders. Not one thing about him gives away the fact he’s not human.

“Let me help you out.” He holds out his hand.

“You didn’t answer my question. Why am I in here?”

He points to the tiled wall. “Bridge.”

“In the fucking shower?” I snap. “Where’s the window?” I don’t see a door, painting, hole or anything.

“That window is locked down now. You can’t see it if it’s locked.”

Master hops up and starts shaking off his trip.

“Lake, I need the keys,” Gabrio says. “Where are the keys? We must lock all the windows in case the wall is overrun.”