He doesn’t accept. Why?

“Don’t you want…” I glance at my wrist and notice a dark mark. And another. And another. The trail goes all the way up to my shoulder.

“I am sorry I took so much,” he says, “but I was hungry after being away from you for so long.”

He was drinking from me while I slept. That’s why I feel so weak, so good. “Take more, my Blood King. Just don’t leave me again.”

“Sadly, after the feast tonight, I march to the wall with my men—another issue I must deal with.”

“The wall? How long will you be gone?”

He flashes a seductive smile. “A few nights.” He dips his head and places a soft kiss on my lips. “But fear not, I will bite you again before I go. Would you like that?”

“Yes. I would.”

“Very good.” He brushes his hand over my hair. “Now rest. I will send Uhrn to help you bathe for our feast. You must look your best for me tonight, Lake. Can you do that?”

I nod.

“Good. I have brought someone special, a human male to make love to you tonight. You have earned it.”

A human? “But I want you.”

He pushes a sharp fingernail into my lip. “You know I cannot. But I will watch. You will feel me with you, drinking from you.”

“I’d like that…” I mutter, enjoying the warm nothingness flowing through my veins. I’m free, so free, and filled with the afterglow of a million orgasms, every muscle limp. My mind is vacant of every bad thing in the world.

“I will see you soon.”

I open my eyes to beg him for another bite before he leaves, but he’s already gone.

“Lake, wake up,” a sharp voice whispers.

I crack open one eye to find Uhrn scowling down at me.

“Cream Cheese, you’re here to make me pretty for the feast, aren’t you?”

“Listen to me. Do not speak, just listen. I’m taking you from the palace.”

“Why would I leave?” My king is here.

“Because something is going on. I don’t know what, but you must leave.”

“I’m not leaving my Blood King. He needs me. I need him. I need to be fucked.”

“Fucked is exactly what will occur if you do not go this very instant.”

She pulls me up, and I start to scream, “You can’t do this to me. I want Benicio. Ben—!”

“Stop it.” She slaps a hand over my mouth. “You need to listen, Lake. Remember when I told you what happens if you or the other remaining proxy dies?”

War. Big war. I nod.

“Good. And remember I told you that Alwar was probably planning to attack the moment the Proxy Vow no longer applied? I was wrong. I think Benicio is going to strike first.”

I push my fist in the air. “Viva Blood King.”

She slaps me hard. “You fool. That means he has a plan to end the Proxy Vow on his own. But he has vowed to protect the Wessfolk bloodline, and no one from this world is allowed to harm another kingdom’s proxy. That leaves only one option.”

I’m confused. Why is she talking so fast? All the words are mixing in my head. “I don’t care. Just get me ready for the feast.” I want Benicio to be happy. Always happy.

She stares deeply into my eyes. “Do you not see? Benicio has brought another human here. I do not know who he is or how he got here, but I saw the man just now. I could smell he was human, a human who is not bound by any vows.” She pauses. “Lake, our king plans to have you killed. Tonight. And as disgusting as I find your kind, you have grown on me. Like a horrible rash I have learned to tolerate. I do not want you to die.”

Die? Rash? Killed? “What are you talking about?” My head is too thick with euphoria to understand. “Benicio said the man would make love to me. And Benicio is going to keep the peace. He keeps the order. Alwar is the bad one.”

She shakes me hard. “No, Lake!” She hisses, “The Blood King is going to have you killed and void the Proxy Vow, which includes his duty to maintain order among all kingdoms. I just overheard one of his guards say they’re going to the wall.”

I’m tired. So tired. And she is ruining my wonderful high. “Yes. He already told me. Why do I care if he goes to the wall?”

“Because if he’s going, it means he plans to attack the Wall Men who guard it, along with the rest of the War People. Benicio would not dare if he did not have the numbers and nearly all the kingdoms on his side. He must have promised them something, and I fear he has promised them more land, better hunting, and more meat. Perhaps even Blood People’s meat.”