His teeth sink deep into my flesh and deliver that sweet, sweet ecstasy.


Benicio forces me to eat, but I don’t like the food. Tastes gamey and off. I don’t like the milky drink he keeps forcing to my lips either. It’s thick and sugary. But he says if I want him to give me what I want, I must stay strong. So I eat a little, drink a little. Just enough to satisfy him so he’ll bite me again.

Yes, oblivion. I’ve never felt so free. I could stay here forever. In fact, I love that there are no windows. I don’t have to worry if it’s night or day or how long I’ve been here. I don’t care.

The door to my chamber opens, and it’s that pale woman again.

“Where is he?” I murmur, too weak to lift my head.

“He had business to attend to.”

“No. You tell him to come. You tell him I need him.” I need him over me, touching me, suckling from my wrists, legs, and breasts. Everywhere. He tells me it’s better, more enjoyable for both of us if he uses fresh, unbroken skin each time.

“You need to be bathed,” she says. “And you need to eat. Not that I care about your stupid human life.” She takes my arm and pulls me upright in the bed. “Put your feet on the floor. I’ll help you into the bath.”

“I don’t want a bath. I need Benicio. Where is he?”

“If you want him to come to you, you must obey me.”

I get to my feet, the room spinning. I feel my bliss slipping away. There are dark things in my mind trying to get out. I don’t want to see them. I like my quiet room. I like the naked Blood King taking my nipple in his mouth and sending me to heaven.

With her help, we hobble out into the hallway and next door, where a hot bath is waiting.

She strips away my lace top and panties, throwing them to one side.

“Why are they like that?” Stiff. Dirty.

“Dry blood. Now get in the water. I’ve added special salts that will close your wounds.”

Close wounds? “Why do I have wounds? Did the dragon bite me again?”

“No. Our healer had to fix those gashes. These salts are for your bites.”

Confused, I look down at my body. Every inch of my skin is purple and covered in scabs. “What happened?”

“The king likes you. Now shut up and get in. I need to wash you.”

The pale woman is a bitch. I think I’ll kill her the next time she comes to my room. She forced me to bathe and dress in a stupid black gown, and she made me eat more of that funny-tasting meat. She made me drink that sweet stuff she calls Flier nectar. But I did as she asked, and she fucking lied to me. Benicio hasn’t come. Not for hours. Or is it days? I don’t know, but my body is on fire.

“Benicio!” I yell, writhing in pain on the bed. “Where are you?”

I can’t stop kicking my legs and arching my back. The dark thoughts are attacking my mind. I see Grandma Rain dying. I find those men alive in the painting. Bard turns his back on me. The day I realized my parents were gone because the police showed up and arrested Grandma.

“Benicio!” I need him next to me, holding me.

“Lake, he is not coming for a while. You will stop screaming.”

I open my eyes and find that pale-ass woman over me. “Fuck you, Cream Cheese. Tell him to come, or I won’t let him touch me again.”

She shakes her head. “He’s dealing with important affairs of the kingdom, but consider yourself lucky. You’re getting a chance to heal and rest. You might actually live another month.”

Month? “How long have I been here?”

She shrugs. “Five weeks.”

“Five?” The fog in my mind clears for a split second. “I have to go home. I need to find out if Bard is okay.” I can hardly remember his face or why I care, but I know I have to get back to him. He’s the only person I have left. “They’re all gone, Cream Cheese. I can’t lose Bard, too.”

“Bardolf. How has he been?” she asks, a distinct sorrow in her tone.

“He’s beautiful. He’s dead. No. Wait. I hurt him. I think?” I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. “I don’t know. How do you know him?”

She starts talking, but my mind drifts back to thoughts of Benicio and his beautiful pale blue eyes, glossy midnight black hair, smooth glass skin, and supple lips.

“Where is my king?” I whimper. “I need him to stop the pain. I hurt without him.”

Cream Cheese frowns at me with pity. “If you ever do get home, tell Bardolf that Uhrn says hello. Tell him he is missed.”