Page 8 of Desert Island

I can’t wait to explore her round tits and those soft legs with the sweet sugary wetness between them that I know is waiting for me.

My cock is raging and I realize that I can’t stay here. Not with her sleeping. It’s killing me to look, but not touch.

I grab the spear I made and head down to the spot where I like to spearfish. There’s a large rock to stand on and a never-ending supply of tasty fish that like to swim around it.

My mind is on Bridget as I wade out to the rock and climb onto it. The fish disperse while I’m in the water but then slowly trickle back to their spot.

I grip my spear as I wait for them to return. I was on the island for two years before I was able to make this spear. One day, I was walking along the beach and found an old broken umbrella that washed up on the shore. The little metal poles that open the umbrella make great tips for my spears after I break them off and then sharpen them up with a rock. My hungry days have vanished since then.

I want to make a meal tonight worthy of a goddess like her. She deserves the best this island has to offer, the best I have to offer, and she’s going to get it. Always.

With my teeth gritted, I track a big fat fish who comes swimming toward the rock, clueless to the predator standing over him. When he’s in position, slowly drifting by, I heave the spear down with a grunt.

It slices through him, killing him instantly.

I grin as I hop off the rock into the water, scattering the rest of the fish, and take my spear back with our dinner stuck at the end.

My mind drifts back to my girl as I head into the jungle to gather some more food. I’ll let her sleep while I prepare a bonfire on the beach with a meal so good that she’ll never want to leave me.

I hike past the river to a place where I know kale plants grow and gather a few bushels. After I have my salad ready, I hike deeper into the forest to where I can sometimes find lemons the size of my fist growing.

I’m in luck. They’re huge today. I pluck a few and shove them under my arm as I head back with a smile on my face.

This is the most exciting thing that’s happened to me in the past eight years. Perhaps in all of my life.

I already know she’s the one for me. I can feel it in every bone in my body. The ache of desire. The throb of love. She’s mine, she just hasn’t realized it yet.

But she will. I’ll make her see what I’m seeing. I’ll make her feel what I’m feeling.

It’s inevitable. When two soulmates meet, it always is.

I gather some berries on the way back and set up the dinner on the beach.

It took me a couple of months to figure out this technique to make a quick fire. A little trick with rubbing bamboo sticks together produces flame in less than a minute.

I’ve always been creative. When I was on the cover of Fortune Magazine, they called me the most innovative entrepreneur of the decade. Back home in Miami that meant creating new technology products that revolutionized the gaming industry. Out here, it means coming up with new ways to create fire out of thin air.

Both creations helped me in a plethora of ways. Only one has helped keep me alive.

I get a fire going and arrange my fish on a spit that I make out of bamboo shoots. I’ll get my sleeping beauty and then place it over the flames, cooking it to perfection.

I throw some dry wood on the fire to feed the flames and then head back to get my girl, feeling excited and hopeful for the first time in a long time.



* * *

I wake up to Carson’s strong hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me awake.

“Mmmppgghh,” I groan until I open my eyes and see his gorgeous face staring at me, only a few inches from mine. I dart up with a gasp, fully awake now. I’m not going to need any coffee if this mysterious island man wakes me up like this every morning. It is morning, isn’t it?

I can’t even tell. The hands on my watch have been frozen since I crossed into this cursed hellish place.

“How long have I been sleeping?” I ask him as he watches me curiously.

He’s still shirtless and I can’t seem to stop my eyes from drifting down to his perfectly sculpted abs. It’s not just a six-pack, there’s also a bunch of other hard little muscles around it and under it in the shape of a V. I don’t know the name of any of them, but I do know that I like each one of them.