Page 3 of Desert Island

“Oh shit,” I gasp when I see the water outside my window. It’s a foot below my window, which means I’m already sinking.

I quickly undo my seatbelt, but before I can get it off, water begins seeping into the plane, from the bottom up. It’s freezing.

It covers my feet in seconds and quickly crawls up my legs as I try to open the door. It’s stuck.

Holy shit, the wing is gone! Sparks are flying out of the severed wing, live wires hanging out like veins.

“Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.” I look around in a panic. The plane is definitely sinking. The water is climbing up the window. I can see half underwater through the glass and half sky.

“Break it.” It’s the only way. I spin on my seat and put my dripping wet shoes on the glass. With a grunt, I kick the window as hard as I can with both feet. It does nothing. I kick it again and again and again.

Still nothing.

Oh fuck. Am I going to die?

Like for real?

The water is quickly rising outside until the windows are completely submerged. The water from below is already up to my seat.

“No!” I scream as cold water begins leaking in from the roof. It comes down in streams, drenching me as the plane sinks.

I take all of that terror, all of that adrenaline, all of that will to live, and focus it on the window. I slam my feet into it over and over and over until… a crack.

I kick it hard one last time and the whole thing pops off. Water pours in from the opening and I scream as it fills the cabin fast. It’s so cold. I can’t move as the water violently rushes in like a waterfall.

The plane turns and I scream as my side window is now above me. At least it fills the plane faster. I don’t want it to sink too low before I can get out and try to swim to the surface. I get ready to take a deep breath and at the last second, I take it.

The last drop of water pours into the plane and now it’s completely submerged. The only ounce of air left is in my burning lungs. I slide out of the open window and start swimming up as my plane descends into the darkness.

My head is burning like crazy as I swim and swim and swim, heading toward the light as my arms and legs tire.

I need a breath so badly. I need air.

The surface looks so far away. My lungs are getting restless. Underwater or not, my reflex is about to kick in and I’m about to take a big gulp of saltwater.

I kick and kick and kick until… finally… air.

Crisp, beautiful, life-saving air.

I take a big gulp of it and moan as it fills my lungs.

It’s glorious. It’s heavenly. It’s the best moment of my life.

The excitement doesn’t last long.

After indulging on oxygen for a few seconds, I look around and realize how fucked I am. It’s just ocean. Everywhere I look, it’s ocean.

I forgot to grab my life jacket. I have nothing to keep me afloat.

I’m not the best swimmer and my legs and arms are already exhausted. I have minutes unless a miracle comes quick.

I scream as something pops out of the water.

“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me…”

It’s the blow up doll.

Smiling and naked and still horny as ever.

“Fine,” I say as I swim over and grab his inflatable cock. “You win.”

I cling onto him like a needy girlfriend and float.

And float.

And float…



* * *

“Oh my god!”


Actual land!

“Do you see that Jeffrey?”

Yes, I named him. Don’t judge, it’s been two days and I’m scared and lonely.

“We might be okay after all.”

I cling onto Jeffrey’s half-deflated naked body and kick my legs toward the shore. I’m tired, hungry, thirsty, and cranky as fuck.

I can’t believe that Emiko was right. Ugh. If I get through this, she’s never going to let me live it down.

It takes hours of feeble kicking, but I get closer and closer to the desert island. It’s beautiful and could be on the front page of any travel website in the world. Huge palm trees swaying in the breeze, lush vegetation, long beaches all around it with sand that looks like white powder. The ocean water becomes warm and crystal clear the closer I get. It’s a gorgeous shade of turquoise.

There must be food on the island. Fruit trees, maybe animals and fish to catch. Shit, how do I catch animals and/or fish? I have no idea. Unfortunately, I don’t see any fast food joints on it. I’d kill for a freaking Big Mac.

I’m exhausted when my feet finally touch the sandy bottom.

“Yes!” I shout out. “Yes!”

I wade to the shore with Jeffrey under my arm and collapse onto the sand, breathing heavily as I turn around and look up at the blue sky.