“It’s you,” Josh says, his voice a cracked whisper drenched in pain. “I didn’t think we would ever see you again.”

I can’t speak. I can’t find words to express how I feel. James steps back and grins. “Old man,” he says. “I’ve missed you.” It was his nickname for me when we were younger. Before all the shit happened.

“Come,” I tell him, leaving the agents to deal with Mahoney. “It’s time you met your family.” Our folks aren’t here right now, but they need to learn about who I am, and the people who stood beside me all these years.

I know Hawk will be waiting for Missy, so I let him have his privacy. The boys seem calm, relaxed even, but I don’t doubt there will be more to it than smiles and them trying to joke about being gone.

When we step into the house, Lucille is standing there waiting. She’s dressed in a black pants and jacket, with a white blouse, which makes her look like a lawyer. The long black pants hits her ankles, and it dips and peaks on her curves. A gentle hint of cleavage is peeking through. She’s never looked classier.

“I need you to meet Lucille,” I tell them. We decided to wait until we’re all settled and used to each other before they learn who her father is. Hatred can run deep, I’m an expert in knowing about how much emotion can eat away at your soul.

I want them to love her. She’s mine and she will be their sister in law.

“Hi,” James says, taking Lucille’s hand and shaking it. “I’m the handsomer brother,” he tells her. I want to know how he’s so calm, so normal, but I don’t ask right now.

“I’m Joshua, but you can call me Josh,” he says with a grin which belies what he must have been through.

“It’s nice to meet you both,” Lucy tells them. “I’m glad you’re here, Crow has been worried about you both.”

“Cordon?” Josh glances at me, his eyes shine with questions which I can’t give answers to.

“We need to talk,” I tell them, “Go to your room, little mouse,” I say to my girl. “I’ll come get you later.” She obeys without question. It’s been months and she’s gotten used to me, used to us, and she’s become more submissive which only seems to make my blood heat with desire.

“What’s going on?” Josh asks once we’re alone. I turn, gesturing for them to follow me. When we reach my office, I shut the door behind them and watch as they settle on the sofa. Both flopping like teenagers on the soft leather.

“What happened to you both?” The question is out of my mouth before I can fully consider the answers they’ll give. I don’t know if I want to know, but I need to. I join them, my focus on the two boys who are now grown men.

“Strangely enough, we were looked after,” Josh says. “We lived with this guy who fed us, bought us clothes. He didn’t want anything from us.”

“Yeah,” James reiterates. “We lived lavish for a while.”

I glance between them, meeting Joshua’s eyes, I ask, “What was his name?”

“We knew him as Boss Man. But we do know he was mafia,” my brother tells me. “Italian mafia. We were in Italy for the past five years.”

“I don’t—”

I’m interrupted by James, “He took us on as if we were family. I don’t know if he was working for the feds, but the agent who brought us home knew him. It was as if they were friends, or something.”

I realize there is more to the story. I’m almost certain, Missy has to be the one to shed some light.


Seeing her again has my heart soaring. She’s alive. She’s well. I didn’t think she would be breathing, but here she is right in front of me. Missy looks at me as if in shock. She doesn’t look hurt, but I can tell the light which used to shine in her eyes has been dimmed. When she falls into my arms, her body trembles, and I feel all the darkness I held onto for so long crack.

The walls I built up over the years are slowly crumbling, and it’s all because my sister is home. She is warm against me, her tears soaking through the material of my shirt. But I can’t let go. I squeeze her tighter, and I breathe in the clean scent of her hair. The long, dark strands hang in waves, and when she looks up at me again, her green eyes shimmer.

“I never thought I’d see you again,” she whispers, her lips shake as emotion takes a hold of her.

“I’m always here for you,” I tell her. “All you have to worry about now is telling me exactly what happened to you. I need to know everything.”