
“Jesus, two minutes with her and you’re already falling in love?” His taunt is followed by a chuckle, and I move so swiftly, he about misses Indie shooting past his head landing in the expensive oak of his bookshelf behind his desk. “Hey!”

“Shut the fuck up about her,” I bite out, frustration burning in my veins. My brothers know I don’t do women. I don’t date, I don’t really fuck around. There are times I need a wet pussy, and I find it at the local pub, but usually, I don’t go back for seconds.

Emotions destroy you, so I shut mine off a long time ago.

Falcon shakes his head, before continuing, “As I was saying. We have a new job. Some asshole who didn’t know how powerful we are. He was trying to stall on the information when I found out his whole life history.” This makes Falcon laugh. The bastard is a brilliant hacker.

“Did you get Cypher on the trail?”

“He’s helping with tracking down all known associates of Mahoney,” he informs me. It’s been a long time since I heard his name. Lucille’s father is a topic we don’t go into detail about, but now she’s here, we’re going to have to face our past. Thing about it is, each time I’ve gone there in my mind, violence was the only way to ease me back to reality.

“What about the girl?” Hawk asks. It’s the first time he spoke since I arrived back from the job to find out who was trailing Lucille.

“She’s working for us now,” I inform them both, and the questioning gazes I receive in response is enough to have me sighing. “She’ll look after the manor. We can’t do it when we’re working, and I figured while she’s here, she can offer her services.” This makes me look over at Falcon. He’s the one who found out about her extra-curricular activities. If she wants bad men to make her come, we can do it easily.

“Are you serious?” Falcon’s shock is mirrored on Hawk’s face. They weren’t expecting it. I wasn’t thinking about it until I saw her on her knees. I wouldn’t mind getting a taste of the little slut. I bet her cunt is sweet as candy apples.

“I am.” Pushing to my feet, I make my way to the patio doors and push them open. It’s dark out, the chilly night air causes my breath to billow in white puffs. “She’s here, she’ll learn about vengeance the hard way. If she doesn’t complete a task to our liking, she’ll receive a punishment.”

“But doesn’t it make us as bad as—”

“Don’t you fucking go there, Falcon,” I bite out, grinding my teeth so hard, it’s a wonder they’re not broken. “She’s an adult,” I tell him. It’s what I keep reminding myself. We waited until she was of age to take her. As much as I hate her father, I don’t want to turn into him.

“What if she enjoys her punishments?” Falcon chuckles behind me.

“I don’t doubt she will,” I tell him before turning to both men. “When she experiences even an ounce of pleasure, we break her down. Each day, she’ll become more and more submissive. I want to watch her shatter,” I say as the thought of her on her knees, begging me to make her come assaults my mind with clarity. “The pain we bring to her will be brutal, none of the shit she plays with online.”

“What about the twins?” I knew Hawk would ask about them. His parents had twins in the aftermath of what had happened all those years ago. His mother was pregnant, and now the boys are seven, they’re going to come to England to attend school here. They will live with us when they’re on their holidays, but other than that, the boarding school will be their home.”

“She can babysit them,” I tell him. “It’s what she’s good at.” I pull out a smoke and light it, pulling in the nicotine deep into my lungs. I can’t imagine having her around the boys. I’ve met them a few times when they’ve come to visit, and they’re intelligent and curious like my brothers were.

“I can have them stay—”

“You know they’re welcome here any time. They’re family,” I inform him. He nods when I glance over my shoulder. That’s the end of the conversation. We will have Lucille live here, work for us, and become our toy. She’ll take everything we give her, and I have a feeling she’s not going to take it without a fight. I look forward to it.

“I think she’s going to kick up a fuss down there,” Falcon remarks with a sly grin I notice when I turn to face the room again. “I bet she’s going to try to claw her way out.” There is a small window which sits high in the wall. When the sun rises, she’ll see it. But it’s too small and too high for her to reach.