“But if I keep you around, Vince is going to watch every move you make.”

“Let him watch.”

He lets out a breath. “Damn it, Grace. You really are crazy.”

“I need to help her, Calvino. If she’s like Riley and she’s in trouble—”

“She’s not your cousin.” He looks into my eyes and I blink back tears. They hit me sudden and intense, and I can see Riley in my mind shaking her head sadly, like I don’t owe her this, but I do, I owe Riley and all the other girls I couldn’t help. “You hear me, she’s not your cousin or your responsibility.”

“I couldn’t save Riley.” I barely manage to get the words out. He hugs me tighter, pulling me close, and I’m crying, god, I’m crying. I hate this. I didn’t want to cry after my first time, but these tears aren’t because of sex.

These tears are for all my failures. Sleeping with Calvino wasn’t one of those.

“There was nothing you could’ve done for her. She was all the way out here and you were in West Virginia. She made her choices.”

“I still could’ve done something. But now I have another chance with Charlie and I can’t let it slip away. You have to understand that, don’t you?”

He sighs slowly and kisses my lips. I bite him and he smiles.

“I understand,” he says, shaking his head. “Honestly, Gracie, you keep fucking me like that, and I’ll give you just about whatever you ask for.”

“Good to know you’re so easily manipulated.”

“Only by you.” He runs a finger down my lips and I cuddle up against him, smiling like an idiot as the tears keep rolling down my cheeks.

Chapter 20


Work the next night feels surprisingly good.

I’m sore, of course—it’s a dull ache between my legs—but that’ll go away. We fucked again this morning when I woke up in his bed and felt his hard cock pressing against my ass. I rode him fast until he turned me around, pinned me down, and fucked me until I screamed his name and came in a blinding orgasm. Now I’m paying for it with soreness, but it’s a good soreness.

I’d make that trade a hundred times. I’d walk around like this forever if it meant tasting him whenever I wanted. Heck, the second I see him later, I’m going to throw myself at him whether I’m in pain or not.

“Why are you all smiles, girl?” Kia leans against the bar next to me and motions for three beers from Bradley.

“No reason. Just in a good mood, I guess.”

“Come on, that’s a sex smile.” Ginnie appears on my other side. “Right, Kia?”

“Definitely. I know a sex smile when I see it, like you’re high on drugs, but really you’re high on good dick.”

“Oh my god,” I say, blushing like crazy.

Ginnie laughs. “She’s right, good dick can be better than pills. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of good dick.”

“Stop saying good dick.” I’m turning bright red. Even if I’m not a virgin anymore, I’m still not experienced enough for this.

“Poor girl, taking all that good dick but can’t even talk about it.” Kia shakes her head, grinning at me. “Where is the man anyway?”

“I told him not to come around as much anymore since you guys don’t talk to me when he’s here.”

Ginnie flinches and glances at Kia, who suddenly seems interested in a napkin on her tray. They’re quiet for a few seconds until Ginnie sighs and puts an arm across my shoulder.

“All right, you know what, that’s fair. We try to stay away from you when Calvino’s around because he watches you like a hungry wolf, and I think we’d all rather avoid his attention if possible. But that’s not fair.”

“It’s okay, I get it,” I say, trying to put on a brave face, but it still hurts.

But Ginnie squeezes me. “You’re so damn cute, getting good dick and being sad about getting ignored. Look at you girl, it’s like you’re growing up before my very eyes.”

“Weird thing to say when we all work in a strip club,” I point out, and Ginnie laughs.

“We’ll talk to you more when he’s around, okay?” Kia nudges me with her hip. “Now I gotta go get some tips. See you girls later.” She waves and hurries off.

Ginnie sighs and shakes her head before she looks at me. “Ah, shit, are you crying?”

I blink rapidly and yes, I am crying. “Sorry,” I say, wiping my face. “I’m a little emotional right now.”

“Good dick can do that to you.” Ginnie grins and lets me go. “Better fix your makeup, girlie, you’re smeared.”

“Ah, crap, really?” I frown into the mirror behind the bar and Ginnie’s right, I’m smudged. It’s not bad, but an easy fix. “I’ll be back in a second.”

I hurry toward the back, shaking my head. I shouldn’t let myself get so stinking emotional, especially with these girls, but I can’t help myself. All I want are some friends, and Ginnie and Kia just admitted that they’ll try to include me more from now on. That feels so good it’s hard to put into words.