I can’t get purchase and fall back down, cursing as my ankle turns. I stagger slightly and have to pace back and forth to keep myself from screaming with rage.

“You okay?” Diego asks and his voice drifts over the wall. “You need help?”

“I can do it.” I take a few steps away, shake out my hands, and roll my neck. I can do this, I’ve done it a dozen times before. I can do it one more time.

Back at the house, lights come on.

I cursed softly as someone shouts. I can’t hear what they say, but it sounds angry. Someone yells in return, a girl’s voice, probably Rella. More yelling and a dog barks.

I run at the wall. My ankle hurts like hell and I’m too fucking old for this, but adrenaline burns in my veins. I kick up, leap into the air, and grab the wall’s edge. I catch it and grunt as the concrete burns into my skin, and I pull myself up and shimmy my chest onto the edge as Diego helps me over from the other side.

Charlie looks terrified. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know,” I say and nudge them toward the street. “But we’d better run.”

More yelling. It’s louder, and as we approach the sidewalk, the gate on the driveway grinds open. Two cars come flying through, their engines churning, and I have to grab Charlie to yank her out of the way as their brakes scream and the tires burn rubber.

“Run!” Diego yells and pulls his gun.

I yank Charlie and we sprint ahead. She’s clutching Emilio and he’s crying now, screaming in utter fear. My SUV isn’t far, but the doors to the cars open and several guys jump out.

Diego opens fire. The guards scatter, get behind cover, and return fire, their guns like cannon shots in the otherwise quiet night. Diego’s forced back, pinned down as they shoot back, but it’s enough of a distraction for me to get Charlie and Emilio into the back seat. I leap behind the wheel and start the engine.

“What about Diego?” Charlie shouts, terror in her voice.

“I wouldn’t leave him behind,” I say, snarling as I floor the SUV. It leaps forward and I angle it toward the guys shooting at Diego’s position. They scatter barely in time as I slam on the brakes and spin the wheel, nearly rolling the damn car, but we come to a stop between Diego and the shooters.

“Down!” I yell as they open fire.

Glass sprays all over. The guards light the car up, and I’m slumped to the side as the windows shatter and little cuts cover my exposed skin. I hear a door open and Diego’s voice shouts over the gunfire, “Go, go, go!”

That’s all I needed. I hit the gas, still partially down, and throw the wheel. The SUV peels out, fishtails, nearly loses control, but the tires bite to pavement and we’re flying again. The guards are shooting, but I reach the far end of the street, turn left, and go faster.

We drive for a long while after that, the wind whipping into the shattered windows. Diego makes sure Charlie and Emilio are okay: the baby’s fine and Charlie has only superficial lacerations like me. After an hour of taking the long way through the city making sure Vince’s people aren’t following, I park outside of the hardware store.

“You saved our asses back there,” I say, gripping Diego’s arm. “You’re my brother, you know that?”

“I know it.” He grins at me. “You saved me too, you know. Nearly got yourself killed doing it.”

“And I’d do it all over if I had to.”

“I’d better ditch this wreck of a car before it draws attention. You guys okay?”

“We’re good. Be careful and report in when you’re done. Then you’d better lie low and find somewhere safe to kill time.”

“Will do, boss.” Diego nods at Charlie, gets into the bullet-strewn SUV, and drives off.

“Oh, god, I’ve been so worried.” Grace runs over from the open apartment door and wraps Charlie and Emilio in a hug. They hold each other and I watch them, a small smile on my lips.

That was close, much closer than it should’ve been. I’m scared for Rella and terrified for what’s going to happen next, but whatever Charlie knows will change everything.

Chapter 30


I thought I lost him. The night before, I kept sitting around the apartment, alone and bored and terrified, wondering if I’d ever see Calvino again. When they finally showed up in that bullet-ridden SUV, it was like a nightmare resolving into a pleasant dream as he stepped onto the sidewalk with Charlie and Emilio and Diego. I got Charlie and her baby settled before Calvino dragged me back into our bedroom and locked the door.

We made love that night quietly, his hands pinning my wrists to the bed, his lips against mine, muffling my moans.