Vince shrugs, head tilted. “Contemplating life. You know how these things go. The weight of the world rests on the shoulders of the Don.”

“Are things okay with the business right now? From what I can tell, it’s all good.”

“Money’s flowing, if that’s what you mean, but there are always a thousand little fires for me to stamp out and ten thousand more brewing. But I can’t complain. It’s good to be the Don.” Vince grins at me, showing his teeth.

“Dad used to say the key to being a good leader is persistence and kindness, but he was never kind. I guess persistence is more important.”

Vince lets out a soft chuckle and turns away, staring out the window again. “I keep meaning to talk to you about something,” he says, as if he hadn’t heard what I said, or at least doesn’t care to keep that conversation going.

I stay where I am, a few feet off, and sip my drink. “What’s up?”

“You’re not going to like this, but I’m going to tell you straight out of respect for you, Calvino. Of everyone in this family, you’re the only one of us that can see the forest for the trees. You have distance and perspective that only someone on the outside of the family could possibly have, and I value that. Just so you know.”

“This must be bad if you’re giving me a half-assed compliment.”

Vince shrugs slightly and the tension in his shoulders is evident.

“I have spies in most of your establishments. Not all of them, but most. Just people I’ve paid to keep tabs on things, and not necessarily you, but everyone. Patrons, family, whoever comes around, if something interesting happens, they report it to me. And one of my little spies told me something interesting today.”

I hear my blood pulse through my ears as I stand there and stare at my brother. I suspected the bastard was doing something like this but hearing it out loud makes me boil with rage. How dare he bribe my own employees to be his spies in my establishments? The blatant lack of trust and disregard makes me want to smash this glass and stab him with the jagged shards until his face is nothing but pulped meat.

Instead, I released a single grunt. “And?”

“You and Grace went to visit Damon. Why would you and Grace go visit Damon?”

I go very still. Does he know what we discussed, about Grace’s cousin, Riley? It’s not exactly a secret, and one of the guys that Damon questioned might’ve said something to Vince about it, but I don’t want him to know that Grace is after Louie. If he realizes that Grace is Riley’s cousin, he might figure out that Grace isn’t here just to be my girlfriend—she’s here for revenge.

“Just a friendly visit,” I say and do my best to sound casual. “I wanted to introduce her to everyone.”

“My spy suggests differently. She said the texts seemed suspicious.”

“Texts?” I take a step forward, a snarl on my lips. “Did you break into Grace’s phone?”

Vince waves a hand. “Immaterial. What are you doing with Damon?”

“Nothing, Vince. I was visiting him, you know, since we’re brothers. You do realize Damon is your underboss, don’t you?”

“I’m aware. I named him.”

“Then why the hell do you two treat each other like you’re the heads of rival gangs?”

“Because in some ways we are. Damon has his loyal men and I have mine, and those two groups split the family down the middle. It’s not ideal, but it’s the way things are.”

“You think I’m taking his side in your little shadow war?”

“I think you’re up to something with that girl of yours and I haven’t figured out what it is yet. But listen to me, Calvino.”

Vince turns to face me again and his expression is so placid, so neutral, that it sends a shiver down my spine. What happened to my older brother? The one I used to know and love, who would laugh at my jokes, play basketball with me, who taught me how to throw a curveball, how to spit, how to fight? If this is what it means to be the Don, I’m happy it’s on his shoulders and not on mine.

“You will not double-cross me. Damon is under control, and you will not tip the balance. Stay out of the family business as you’re meant to. Know your role, little brother.”

I clench my jaw and grip my drink so tight I think the whiskey might turn to ice, but I manage to keep myself from rushing my asshole older brother by taking a couple deep breaths.

“There is nothing going on with Damon. Grace is just a girl. You don’t know as much as you think you do.”

Vince only shakes his head and turns away. Outside, Charlie rolls over and lies on her arms, tanning her back.