I turn to walk off but he calls my name.

“Good job,” he says, grinning.

I laugh despite myself and hurry off to get back to work.

Chapter 21


The sound of the ocean lapping against the sand is hypnotic as I stretch my legs on an upper-floor balcony overlooking the water. Rella sips from a glass of wine and I watch my sister for a moment, wondering when the hell she become a young woman—in my mind, she’s still that awkward, angry teenager rebelling against everything Mom and Dad said and causing all sorts of trouble.

“You’re staring at me like I just sprouted mushrooms from my head. Am I covered in fungi right now?”

I smile and sip my drink. She might’ve grown up, but my sister’s the same girl she’s always been: willful, strong, angry, and proud. “Not at all. Just thinking about the old days. Remember when you and Jason would fight?”

“God, he was such a prick. I mean, he still is, but he’s not as bad as he was back then.”

“Jason’s the nicest one in our damn family.”

“Which doesn’t say much about you creatures.”

I laugh at her and sit forward, breathing the crisp beach air deep into my lungs. Sometimes I wish we could stay like this—everyone at the house living together like there’s no world outside these walls—but that’s not how life works. Rella’s got to grow up and so does Susi, and I hate that Mom won’t be around to see it. Breaks my fucking heart.

“For a while there, you were winning those fights. But then Jason hit a growth spurt.”

“Got bigger than a tree.” She sighs and shakes her head. “He didn’t realize how strong he’s gotten and he’d beat the crap out of me. Remember that?”

“Dad had to yell at him.”

“Jason gave me a black eye and Dad freaked out about it. I deserved it, obviously, I threw his phone in the pool and told a girl he had a crush on that he liked her, but still. After Dad yelled at him, Jason never hit me again. I guess he realized we’d gotten too old.”

“You sound like you miss it.”

“I miss when things were simple, is all.” She shrugs a little. “I miss Mom. I don’t miss Dad but does anyone?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“We never talk about them. It’s like the fire happened and they died and we did the funeral and, boom, they’re gone so we might as well pretend like they never even existed. Vince took over the family and everyone kissed the ring and end of story. But I never forgot.”

“I never did either,” I say quietly, remembering the funeral with a sudden, intense clarity: so many people showed up, which was what we expected for a Don like my father, except most of the guests were there for Mom. I hadn’t fully understood how well loved she was in the community, how much money she donated to local charities, how much of her time she devoted to helping people. As I stood there in the receiving line and heard story after story about my incredible Mom, I began to wonder if maybe she was working so hard to do good to balance out all the bad my dad was doing.

That’s the tragedy of it, how we’ll never get to ask her, and how we never thought to ask while she was still around.

Rella wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and clears her throat. “All right, before I get all fucking weepy, why’d you come here?”

“What, I can’t visit with my sister?”

She gives me a look. “You can, but you don’t. So what’s up?”

I grunt in response and stand. She watches me as I walk to the railing and lean out, and after a moment she joins me. The wind blows her hair and she has to tie it back, and when she’s done, it’s like we’re all alone with nobody to hear, our voices muffled by the sea breeze.

“I’m worried about Grace and Charlie,” I say, speaking as quietly as I can. Rella leans closer, frowning.

“Why? What’s going on with those two?”

“I don’t think I can give you details. But there’s something happening and Grace and Charlie are both involved. I’m doing my best to keep them safe, but I can’t be here all the time.”

“You want me to keep tabs on them?”

“If you can. If I’m not around.” I shake my head and tighten my grip on the railing. I hate having to ask my sister for help but I don’t trust any of the others, not with something so borderline-seditious. Damon will do what he can but there are lines he won’t cross, and Jason isn’t interested in rocking the boat no matter what. That only leaves Rella and Susi, and I’m worried Susi can’t handle the pressure.