We head through his clean, modernist home, lots of white and gray and black like it’s straight from an Instagram influencer’s wet dream, and out onto a balcony overlooking the ocean. The sound of the waves, the wind across the sand, and the distant cry of gulls seems to relax Grace somewhat, and we gather at the railing as the breeze pulls Grace’s hair to the side and makes her look radiant.

“Thanks for letting us come visit,” I say, leaning back to look at my younger brother. He seems fit and healthy, despite what Vince said—everyone back in the Sandtrap made it sound like Damon was having some kind of mental breakdown.

“Happy to have you,” Damon says and glances at Grace. “Though I’ll admit I halfway thought the girlfriend thing was a joke.”

“I’m no joke,” Grace says, smiling and tugging on her hair. “Beautiful house, by the way.”

“Thank you. I’m sure my sisters made it seem like I live in a cardboard box filled with urine.”

“Oh, not that bad. Maybe more like a beat-up minivan with puke on the floor.”

He laughs and glances at me approvingly, and I feel a strange swell in my chest—it’s pride, but I have nothing to be proud of, Grace isn’t really my girlfriend. It doesn’t matter if Damon approves of her or not.

Even though I want them to like Grace, and not just because that will make our job easier—I want them to like her because that somehow validates me and my choices.

As if she’s actually my girl.

“My family can be difficult right now. I’m having a bit of a disagreement with Vince over business things, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see everyone. I wish they’d stop acting like I’ve secluded myself in some tower when I’m like ten minutes down the road.”

“Then why not come to the Sandtrap?” I ask, although I know I’m pushing a bit.

“That place has too many memories, and I hate the way Vince acts when we’re there. It’s like he’s taken over Dad’s old position and slipped right into the old man’s role, like Vince has to act like Dad to be the Don.” Damon shakes his head and the frustration is clear in his face. “But it doesn’t matter. We’re here now and that’s good, right? Should I get some wine?”

“Actually, I was hoping we could ask you something.” I glance at Grace and she seems curious as I lean my elbows back on the railing and take a breath. “It’s about a guy in the business.”

Damon nods slightly and looks out at the sand. “Lots of guys in the business, though fewer every year. You know how hard it is to find fucking Italians in California? Goddamn guys in Chicago and out east have it easy, lots of good Italian boys out there. Not so much here.”

“Then maybe this won’t be such a hard job. I’m looking for a guy that used to date Grace’s cousin.”

Grace goes very, very still. Her eyes widen and she stares at me like she’s totally shocked, and her breath quickens as she tugs harder on her hair. I smile to myself and it feels good that I can surprise her like this. I know how badly she wants to find the guy that was dating Riley around the time of her murder, and I want to help her do it—even if that means making my life more complicated.

“I might be able to do that,” Damon says though he doesn’t sound sure. “The guys date a lot of girls.” He glances at Grace. “Got a name and a picture?”

“Riley,” Grace says quickly, almost breathless, and I notice she’s blinking back tears. A stab of guilt rolls down my guts—I should’ve prepared her for this. I know how important her cousin is to her, and I should’ve known talking about the murder would only bring back a lot of difficult, complicated feelings.

If Damon notices the tears, he says nothing as Grace digs her phone out and pulls up a picture. He frowns at it, squints for a long moment, and only shrugs. “I don’t recognize her. Text me that picture.” He rattles off a number and Grace hurries to type it in.

“Her full name was Riley Callahan. She was dating a guy last year, around this time. I don’t know his name, but she heavily implied that he was a part of the Manzini mafia, she even said that Manzini name to me once, so he’s got to be in the family, right? Otherwise how would she know it? Anyway, I just sent you her picture.”

Damon grunts and glances at me. I can tell he thinks this is a strange request, but I’ve always given my brothers whatever they asked without hesitation and I know he’ll do the same for me.