“Watch your fucking mouth,” he says softly but with a solid menace. I catch Ginnie giving me a sympathetic frown, and Juniper looks like she’s about to do jumping jacks and cartwheels from pure joy. “Come with me.”

He drags me off the floor. I want to struggle, but the bastard’s strong and anyway I’m kind of terrified of him right now. I mentally curse myself for letting my temper get the best of me as he yanks me into private room one and slams the door shut, barely cutting off the thump of the music as he whirls on me.

“Don’t you ever talk to me like that in front of the others again. Do you understand?”


“No, don’t Calvino me. I’m the boss of this place, and if any of those girls talked to me like that, I’d teach them their place without hesitation or mercy. You will respect me and I will not tolerate such blatant disregard for my authority. As it stands, you’re supposed to be my girlfriend, so I won’t drag you out there by the hair and spank your ass raw in front of the entire club, but I will do it back here.”

A thrill shoots through me as I back away. “Cal, wait, hold on,” but he advances on me until I slam up against the wall. I try to push him but he grabs my wrists and yanks me around, turning me so that my face is against the cold painted drywall and his bulk pushes up against me, his cock against my ass, and I release a whimper when I realize he’s half hard already.

My god, does this guy get off on being a fucking asshole?

“How can you stand it?” I ask him as he looms over me, pinning me tight. “You know Charlie.”

“Vincent is the Don,” he says as he releases my wrists with one hand and pulls my hair instead. I gasp and groan as his other hand moves down the small of my back and tugs up my skirt, revealing my lacy panties, and I bite my lip hard as I look over my shoulder at him.

“Doesn’t matter. You still shouldn’t be a part of this.”

He yanks my panties down. I moan in surprise as he cups my pussy and growls in my ear. “You’re dripping fucking wet, Gracie. Are you sure you actually care about Charlie, or are you only pissing me off so that I’ll punish you?”

“Don’t be a dick. I care about Charlie.”

“I can’t do a goddamn thing for her.” He kisses my neck and I whimper. “Vincent is the Don and that comes before and above anything else. Even if I’m not technically in the family, I know better than to fight against their rules. If he chooses to murder one of my girls, there’s nothing I can say. There’s nothing I can do for Charlie.” He bites my shoulder gently. “But I can do something for you.”

And then he spanks me.

It’s a total shock. I release a yelp and stare at him, eyes wide, mouth open. His palm smacks against my bare ass once, twice, three times, and the sting is tight and hot on my smooth skin. He rubs the spot he hit and purrs against my chin as his fingers slip between my legs and begin to tease my soaking wetness. Despite myself, I moan as pleasure and pain mingle.

“Fuck, you asshole, warn me next time,” I say, digging my fingers into the wall and trying not to scream his goddamn name, it feels so good. “This doesn’t, ah, god, fuck, this doesn’t fix anything, you prick. Your brother’s in there, oh, Jesus, you bastard, he’s in there cheating on his wife and you’re a part of it.”

He spanks me again. Three times in quick succession and I try to scream in shocked pleasure and pain but he covers my mouth and buries his fingers into my dripping cunt.

“The Don does as he wishes, just like I do as I wish with you. I can’t tell him to stop, just like you can’t tell me to stop. That’s how the world works, my little thief.”

I moan into his palm as he spanks me again and teases me more, alternating a little pleasure with a little pain until I’m a mixed-up mess of wet hot want and knee-shaking desire. I’m trembling, panting, mindless, brainless, dripping for him and moaning, and I hate how easily he can manipulate me, how he can take my body and drive me to complete meltdown, all because I’m like clay beneath his hands, pliant and giving and moldable. He brings me to the edge and backs me off, and I know tomorrow I’ll have a big hand-sized bruise but I don’t give a damn, I want him to hit me, to hurt me, and to make me come so hard I can’t breathe.