‘Mr Linton!’ The madam greeted me with a beaming smile when she saw me enter. ‘So happy to see you again, dearie!’ Then her face darkened. ‘He isn’t with you, is he?’

I could guess the reason for her tone.

‘Mr Ambrose doesn’t tip well, does he?’

‘Ha! Forget the ‘well’, and you’ve the truth of it, dearie.’ The madam pulled a face. ‘Oh well, the less that’s said about ‘im, the better. Are ye ‘ere to see Amy again, love?’

Behind me, I practically heard Karim’s beard bristle.

‘Again?’ he hissed. ‘You’ve been here before?’

I batted my eyelashes up at him. ‘And you didn’t even notice. You’re slipping. Must be old age setting in. How’s your rheumatism?’


I turned back towards the madam. ‘Yes, I’m here to see Amy.’

‘Lovely!’ The madam clapped her hands. ‘Ye know, dearie, she’s quite taken with you. That smile, every time you pop up…I think she’s hopin’ ye’ll make an honest woman out of her one of these days.’

‘She doesn’t. She really, really doesn’t. Trust me.’

‘Oh, well, if ye say so, dearie. Come, let’s go up. She’s probably heard ye and is already waitin’.’

‘Certainly.’ I gave the middle-aged woman a smile. ‘And while I amuse myself, would you mind keeping my companion entertained? I’m sure you could find some interesting way for him to pass the time.’

From behind me, I heard a strangled noise.

‘Certainly, certainly, dearie! Go right up, ye know the way. And as for you, my big, handsome man…’

‘Avaunt, woman! Do not soil me with your tainted touch!’

‘Oh, I won’t touch ye.’

‘You won’t?’

‘No, silly! My girls will take care of that. Sally! Rose! Elsie! Come here! I’ve got a customer for you!’

Smiling contentedly, I marched upstairs, while from behind me came the sounds of a man being overrun by superior forces. Poor Karim. But then again, he did volunteer to be my bodyguard. People who do reckless, foolhardy things like that should learn the consequences early.

Upstairs, I quickly found the door to Amy’s room and knocked.

‘Come in,’ came a sultry voice from the other side.

Putting a hand over my eyes, I stuck my head in through the door. ‘Are you only moderately indecent? How much, on a scale from one to ten?’


The silly sultry tone vanished in an instant. A vice-tight hug engulfed me—Bloody hell, that girl had strength for someone who lay on her back all day!—and pulling me inside, she kicked the door shut behind us. Carefully, I peeked between two fingers and saw fabric. That was encouraging. I opened a few more fingers, revealing more fabric, hair and…

‘Get that hand away from your face, you silly goose! I’m dressed!’

‘Ha!’ I snorted. ‘Silly, my arse! Do you remember what you looked like last time I came in here?’

‘Hm…’ She scratched her head. ‘I don’t really know. I can’t remember anything at the moment.’

‘That was exactly it. Not anything.’

‘Oh, well…’ She shrugged. ‘It ain’t like you saw anything you didn’t know was there, right?’