‘A-are we h-here?’ my little sister murmured, blinking in the sudden light of the entrance hall. Karim was supporting her on one side, Edmund on the other.

‘Yes, Ella.’ Smiling, I stepped closer and squeezed her shoulder. ‘No more travelling. We’ve arrived.’

‘But where….’ Raising her eyes, she blinked up at the giant chandelier illuminating the hotel lobby. ‘Oh my goodness.’

‘Ladies and gentlemen?’

A bellhop appeared before us, bowing so low his nose nearly scratched the floor.

‘Your rooms are ready. If you would be so kind as to follow me?’

‘My sister isn’t feeling too well,’ I told him. ‘Please send someone for a doctor immediately. I’d like him to attend her first thing in the morning.’

‘Certainly, Miss. But, if I may ask, what if no doctors happen to be free tomorrow?’

‘They had better be free. Arrange it.’

The bellhop stared at me—until one of his colleagues leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Blanching, the young man bowed and retreated towards the steps. ‘Certainly, Miss! I will send a messenger off directly. If you will follow me, I’ll show you to your rooms so the young lady can rest. We have some beautiful, easily accessible rooms on the ground floor with a view of the park available.’

And he dashed off.

Once again, I felt all eyes upon me. Anne and Maria were staring at me as if they saw me for the very first time, and didn’t like what they saw.

‘Who are you?’ Anne demanded. ‘And what has happened to Lilly?’

I graced them with a smile. ‘The staff will show you to your rooms. Ask them to prepare something if you are hungry. I won’t be joining you. I’ll have to see to it that Ella is settled in.’

And I marched off. Behind me, the lobby exploded into whispered conversation.

With the help of several members of the staff, it didn’t take us long to reach Ella’s room. It was a delightful, airy space. A fire was crackling in the hearth, casting a warm glow on the beige wallpaper. Outside the windows, the lights of the town were shimmering in the distance.

‘Well?’ I asked, bending down far enough to look straight into Ella’s tired eyes. ‘What do you think?’

‘It’s wonderful,’ she whispered, managing a weak smile. ‘And I’m not just talking about the room. The way you handled those people downstairs…Lil, what’s happened to you? You’ve always been more confident than I could dream of, but this…it was amazing.’

‘Just you wait till tomorrow.’ Gently, I stroked her tangled hair, trying to force a smile onto my face. Nothing inside me wanted to smile right now. Not while she was looking this pale. But for her I would try. For my little sister I’d try anything. ‘I’m going to move mountains if that’s what it takes to get you well. We’re going to get you the best doctor in all of England.’

‘But you can’t possibly afford—’

‘I can. Trust me.’

She looked at me with eyes far more penetrating than an invalid was supposed to have. ‘What aren’t you telling me, Lil?’

‘Tomorrow.’ I squeezed her hand. ‘I’ll tell you tomorrow. After we get you the country’s best doctor, and the best medicine money can buy.’

‘That’s not n-necessary. I’m already feeling much b…bet…’

Her head drooped.

‘Ella? Ella! What is it?’


Before she could utter another word, Ella slumped forward, unconscious.

Pretty Flowers and their Uses

When we’d first arrived at the Royal Crescent, I’d been hopeful. I thought that we had found a place where Ella could recover. A place where my family would be safe. By the next morning, I wasn’t so sure of that anymore.