‘Oh. Well, in that case, no I can’t think of anybody else. But still—’

‘Adequate. Then that is settled.’

Taking a tighter hold of my arm, he started to steer me down the corridor, and I let him, because, honestly, I had no bloody clue where we were supposed to be going. We took a turn, and then another one, climbing another set of stairs. The farther we went, the more luxurious our surroundings became, and the more guards were everywhere. I had to keep myself from jerking back the first time I saw a soldier in the uniform of the presidency armies.[34] Lord Dalgliesh’s personal lackeys were everywhere, and they made my skin crawl. Another one was just coming around the corner, and I felt my mouth twist in disgust—until I saw his face.

‘Crap!’ The word escaped me as a hiss.

Mr Ambrose froze. ‘What is it, Mr Linton?’

‘I’ve met him! He knows my face!’

Mr Ambrose froze. ‘Are you certain he will remember?’

‘The way I smashed the butt of my gun into his ugly mug was pretty memorable!’

‘I see.’

He was on me before I could even blink. Grabbing my shoulders, he whirled me around into an alcove, blocking out the light from the corridor.

‘What the heck are you doing?’ I hissed. ‘Don’t you realize we’ll only attract more attention if we try to hide and—mmmmph…’

My words were abruptly cut off when his hands slid up to take hold of my face, and his mouth came down on mine.


Thank God for violent criminal kidnapping thugs in the service of megalomaniacal evil masterminds! You are fabulous! The world needs more of you!

‘Are you satisfied with my deception techniques?’ he murmured against my lips. ‘Or do I need to get more inventive?’

No! No, please, or I’ll have a heart attack.

‘Yes!’ I breathed. ‘Do! Now!’

What do you know? My mouth was getting emancipated.


That was all he said. Just that one word. His one hand tightened its grip on my face, while his others moved down over my cheek, splayed fingers caressing my face, my neck, my…

Oh my.

Somewhere very, very far away, footsteps passed by. I didn’t really pay any attention.

Mr Ambrose renewed his attack on my mouth. He was merciless. Without the slightest hint of pity. My knees started to tremble below me, and one strong arm came around my waist to pull me against him, so close the heat of his skin almost burned me and—

And then he let go.


I blinked in the sudden light. Mr Ambrose had stepped out of the alcove and was peering around the corner.

‘He is gone,’ he announced coolly. ‘We can proceed.’

Proceed? Hell yes, I wanted to proceed! I wanted to proceed all night and into the small hours of the morning, preferably on a comfortable bed!

‘Miss Linton?’ He snapped his fingers in front of my face. ‘King? Minister? Assassination, remember?’

Lifting my nose into the air, I slapped his fingers away. ‘Of course I remember! I was just considering our strategy.’