‘Man?’ I suggested

Patsy made a noise somewhere between a growl of a tiger and the trumpet of a charging regiment of cavalry. Grabbing her parasol tightly in both hands, she marched after Karim, slamming the door after her. Breathing a sigh of relief, I sank against the wall. Catastrophe averted! At least for now. Sooner or later, I would have to come clean to my best friend. But if possible, I’d like to do it in an open field with no easily breakable things around, like vases, siblings, or buildings.

When I opened my eyes again, I found Eve and Flora staring at me, eyes wide open and mouths no less so.


With a lopsided little smile, I raised my hand to show the big ring dangling loosely from my ring finger.

Eve’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Good God! How big is he?’

My ears turned fire-red—which was probably not the smartest move. Eve’s eyebrows shot even higher, and a twinkle appeared in her eyes.

‘Lilly? Is there something you’d like to tell us?’

I cleared my throat. ‘Um, well, I…’

A devilish grin spread across Eve’s face. Flora and Ella meanwhile, bless them, looked perfectly puzzled.

‘Well, Lilly? Answer my question. How big is he?’

‘He, is, um…quite tall.’ I cleared my throat again. ‘Yes. Quite tall indeed.’

‘Especially when standing up?’

I kicked Eve against the shins.

‘I’ll tell you all you wish to know.’ Or, at least, all I can say without making my little sister faint. ‘But first…how about some tea and biscuits?’


I gazed out the window into the sunset, for the first time in many days taking time to appreciate how beautiful it was.

Especially since Ella will see more of them. Many more.

Night was falling, and my heart knew what that meant. It fl

uttered in eager anticipation at the knowledge. Any moment now. Any moment…


‘What was that?’ Ella sat up in her bed, alarmed.

‘Nothing, nothing.’ I waved my hand and pulled up the window, sticking one leg out into the night. ‘Go back to sleep.’

‘Lilly! What are you…oh.’

I winked at her. ‘Exactly.’

Her eyes went wide. ‘He’s…out there? He came for you?’

‘He’s been here the whole time.’

Her eyes warmed and, reaching out a hand, she squeezed mine. ‘I’m so glad you’ve found yourself a good, kind man.’

I just about managed to stifle my laughter. Mr Rikkard Ambrose good and kind? But who was I to disabuse her of her notions if it helped her sleep with a smile on her face? Plus…Mr Ambrose actually occasionally could be kind. To me. Just not to himself or anybody else.

‘Can I meet him? Please? Please?’