‘What do you mean, somewhere safe? Why did they leave? What happened?’

‘An…an old army friend of uncle’s died, and they went up to the funeral. But then…then…’

Trembling, she sank against the wall.

Maria, trembling? And worse, not trying to insult or harass me? Dear God. Things had to be bad.

‘Then people started dying.’

‘An epidemic?’ I squeezed p

ast around the lump in my throat. ‘What kind?’

‘How should I know? I’m no doctor!’

‘Yes, but you have eyes, and you can read the paper.’

‘The newspaper?’ She wrinkled her oh-so-delicate nose. ‘That’s unladylike!’

With difficulty, I resisted the temptation to slap some sense into her. Considering how thick her head was, the sense would probably not reach the inside of her skull even if I slapped her all the way to Birmingham.

‘You have to know something!’

Maria’s eyes lowered. Her voice was nothing but a whisper when she said, ‘Cholera. They say it’s cholera.’

I felt the blood drain from my face.

‘Is everyone still all right here? None of you are feeling ill, are you?’

‘Well…until recently, yes. But…’

Something clenched tight around my heart.

‘But what?’

‘Well, a few days ago, Ella started feeling poorly and…’

She probably said more after that. Knowing Maria, a lot more, and most of it useless chatter. But I didn’t hear anything besides one name.


Dear Lord, not her! Please, not her!

‘Where is she?’

My voice sounded far, far away, as if it belonged someone else. A very capable, determined someone.

‘Well, in her room, but…’

‘Bring me to her right now!’

‘I, um…’

I suddenly felt very cold.

‘Maria? You have been taking care of her, haven’t you? Tell me you’ve been taking care of her!’

My sister crossed her arms in front of her chest.