I was going to get married. I was going to get married, and leave behind my home and my sisters—everything I had ever known. It was a terrifying thought. And I should have been terrified. But…

I glanced up at Mr Ambrose again.

The only thing I could think was: How can I be terrified as long as I have him on my side?

‘You’re leaving?’

The agonized cry came from the door.

Oh God. Not that.

Footsteps rushed closer, and a moment later, Claudette was shoved aside by a wide-eyed Emilia Harse.

‘Oh. Um, hello Miss Ars— I mean, Miss Harse.’

‘Why, Mr Linton?’ Oh God. Her eyes were shining. Was she going to cry? Please, don’t let her cry! ‘Why are you leaving me?’

‘I, um…am getting married.’

‘What?’ Now there definitely wasn’t any water in her eyes—fire, rather. ‘Who is it? Who is the little hussy that stole you away from me?’

Beside me, Mr Ambrose stiffened.

Trust me, you’d rather not know.

‘A, um…Argentinian belly dancer.’

‘What?’ demanded Miss Harse.

‘What?’ demanded Mr Ambrose. I could feel his icy stare bore into the back of my neck. Hm. Interesting. Maybe I should have him do a belly dance for me someday.

‘Yes, exactly. A beautiful Argentinian belly dancer,’ I confirmed, stepping on Mr Ambrose’s foot. ‘We’ve been carrying on a scandalous affair for months, didn’t you know? And now I’ve finally decided to get divorced from my current wife so I can marry her and move to China.’


‘Scoundrel? Rogue?’


Ouch! Now there was an insult that really hurt. But I guessed my problems with Miss Emilia Harse were over once and for all.

‘Come, come, my dear!’ Claudette slung a consoling arm around her protégé’s shoulders. ‘That scoundrel isn’t worthy of you. You deserve a real man!’ Over her shoulder, she winked at me. Devious little witch! I was going to miss her. A speck of moisture appeared at the corner of my eye.

As the two singers departed, Mr Ambrose cleared his throat. ‘Miss Linton?’

I sighed. ‘Yes, yes. I know. It’s no good crying, is it? After all, I’m going to see her again someday.’

‘That, and you could take your heel off my toes.’

‘Oh.’ Hurriedly, I lifted my foot. ‘Sorry.’

Extending his hand, Mr Ambrose took hold of me. ‘Shall we go?’

I nodded. ‘Yes. Let’s go home.’

‘I have a better idea.’ Pulling me towards him, Mr Ambrose captured my face between his hands and looked deep into my eyes. ‘Let’s make one. Together.’
