Page 59 of Daddy

I stood, my muscles protesting as I did, and went into the copy room. Sure enough, Bev was standing determinedly in front of the machine, one hand holding a black coffee and the other grabbing the papers as soon as they were out and sorting them into one of a dozen different piles.

“Hey beautiful,” I said, leaning against the doorway.

She looked up at me wearily, but still just as gorgeous as ever. How an old, spoiled man like myself had ever gotten someone like her was beyond me. But I was past the point of questioning fate and decidedly on the path of appreciating the woman it had dumped in my lap.

Mmm, she would look pretty good in my lap, actually. Considering all the rush work we had been doing for the launch, she and I hadn’t had time for any extracurricular activities in a couple of weeks. That was practically a sin in and of itself.

“You look tired,” I said, walking towards her.

“I thought you just said I was beautiful.”

Ever my snarky intern. I didn’t think I would ever get tired of that. “You can be both.”

“Hmm, good to know.”

I crowded up behind her, wrapping my arms around her soft waist and bending so I could press my lips against her neck. She stiffened, just like she always did. Even after all these months together, she was still just as responsive. I loved that about her.

I loved her.

“Why don’t you come home and sleep?”

She let out a tiny little groan and shifted, as if she was trying to focus on the copies and block me out. Well that wouldn’t do at all.

“Your place isn’t home. My apartment is home and I’d rather keep working than gather up the energy to navigate across the city.”

It was as if life was trying to make openings for me and before I knew it, I was talking. “It could be your home, if you wanted.”

At that she stiffened again, and when she spoke her voice was so quiet that I could barely hear it. “Are… are you asking me to move in?”

“Yes,” I breathed into the soft skin of her neck. I would be lying if I didn’t say it was half because I was afraid of seeing her face if she said no. The other half was because the warm, tropical scent of her pomegranate body wash and shampoo was quite a comfort to me. If I was smelling that, then it meant I was close to her, and if I was close to her, life couldn’t be that bad, could it?

“Holy shit,” she breathed, trying to turn into me but I wouldn’t let her, holding her firm. I loved her ass pressed against me, each of her movements waking my length up from its exhausted respite. “Yes, yes! Now let me hug you!”

“Mmm, I think I like you just like this,” I muttered, sliding my hands down her frame as my heart soared. She said yes!

She said yes!

I hadn’t lived with a single soul since I was seventeen year old and now I was pretty sure the love of my life had just agreed to move in.

Her groan interrupted my high-flying and I couldn’t help but grin. Flipping her skirt up, I pulled her panties down with a practiced ease. I managed to catch a glimpse as they hit the ground and I saw that the middle was soaked with her telltale arousal.

“Ready for me that fast?” I breathed into the back of her ear.

She shivered against me and it was hard not to preen. “I guess, maybe, I’ve been getting through the day about thinking what we’ll do to make up for lost time after the launch.”

“That’s my naughty girl,” I practically purred into her before freeing myself from my pants.

Normally I liked to get her warmed up. To have her come on my hands or my mouth or something before I took her. But she was already whining and pressing against me urgently and I feared we would both fall asleep before I could get inside of her if I teased her as I normally did.

I slid in quickly, reveling in her hiss as I filled her. Even after all this time, she was still just as tight. Just as warm. I didn’t think that I could ever grow tired of it. It would be blasphemy.

“Move, please,” she panted below me, desperate as if I had been teasing her as usual. “I’ve been waiting for this for days.”

That confession made me hotter than she could ever know. The thought that she had been craving yet denying herself my touch, that she yearned for it just as much as I did was maddening. It made me want to chuck my brain out a window and rut into her like there was no tomorrow.