Page 57 of Daddy

“Wha…?” I murmured, completely at a loss.

“This contract is for casual sex and friends with benefits. At first I thought that it was what we needed but now I realize that it’s not appropriate for our relationship-” Wait. He ripped it up. Did that mean he was still firing me but leaving me off the hook legally? Why was he smiling? Something wasn’t adding up. “Since I’m pretty sure I’d like to date you.”

I stared at him for several very long moments, barely remembering to breathe. “You… what?”

“I have feelings for you as well. I tried ignoring them, I tried cutting you out, and I was wrong for that. If you don’t forgive me, I understand.”

“But to me it seems like both you and I made assumptions to protect ourselves that turned out to be very wrong. So, if you’d have me, I’d like to give a real relationship a try,” he continued.

“Just like that?” I breathed. How could he go from ignoring me on Friday to asking me out on a Monday?

He smiled wanly. “When you ran out of the theater it gave me a lot of time to think. Several people made comments, most crass and degrading towards you. That made me angry, and I found myself protecting you from their assumptions.

“That was about when I realized that the way I had treated you probably made you assume the same things, and that plagued me pretty much the entire weekend.”

I swallowed, the feeling in the air so intense between us it felt like I was listening to a confessional.

“You seemed so hurt, far too hurt for you to have just been using me for sex, which made me wonder just how much of an idiot I was for shutting you out these past two weeks. Could it mean you possibly felt about me how I felt about you? Or had I already ruined all of it?

“I had a whole lot of questions and almost no answers, so I figured I would just ask you exactly why you had done what you’d done.”

“Oh,” I murmured. “So, I guess it wasn’t just like that.”

“No, not at all. Over forty-eight hours of introspection telling me what an idiot I was.” He stood and crossed around to the front of the desk, smiling uncertainly at me. “So, what do you think? Want to give me a second chance?”

I looked up at him, heart surging and my brain trying to catch up with everything that was happening. He had feelings for me? Soft, squishy, stupid and impractical feelings? I didn’t know what to think. I wasn’t even sure I remembered how to breathe. But still, I turned my face up to him and tried to respond.

“I want you to kiss me.”

“I can do that.”

And then he was pulling me up into his lap, my knees posted on the desk on either side of his hips. His mouth crashed against mine, greedy and demanding and everything that I had missed. I gave myself over to him, wanting to lead me as he so expertly did.

His hands were everywhere, kneading, burning into my flesh. I loved it and I ground into his erection that I could already feel tenting through his pants.

“Sweetheart,” he panted into my ear. “Baby girl, I’m going to take you right here and now.”

“Please,” I gasped, clinging to him. It was what I always said, but I meant it with everything I had within me.

He stood suddenly, and I let out a squeak, clinging to him as he quickly spun us around, so it was my ass on the desk, and then he was pushing everything off it to make room for me.

It was a ton of noise and I cringed for a split second at the sound of so many expensive things hitting the ground, but I quickly forgot it as Fitz yanked my skirt down, throwing it to the side.

His lips joined mine again, bruising, demanding, but it still wasn’t enough. I wanted him so much. Right down to my core. I didn’t think that it was possible to desire something so much, but I needed his touch like it was oxygen.

One day I would let him take his time with me, let him be tender and caress me at his leisure. But I couldn’t this time. I craved fire and heat. All the precious little marks that he had left on me were completely gone and I missed them terribly so.

His hands were busy as our mouths moved against each other, two of his fingers thrusting into me suddenly. Maybe I should have been embarrassed that I was already so wet that there was only a faint pinch at the intrusion, but I wasn’t. I could never be embarrassed when Fitz was worshiping at my center like it was some sort of altar.