Page 3 of Daddy

“You have chipped nails around the cuticles of one hand, but not the other, which I would guess meant you were invited to a tea party with someone who didn’t have enough attention span to get to both hands and you’ve got a cartoon band aid on your wrist.”

Chris raised his eyebrows, grin growing even wider. “Wow, that’s also great attention to detail. I think you’ll fit in great around here.”

“Aw, thank you,” I said, mirroring his smile. “But also, I can see the reflection of your family photos in your glasses.”

That caused him to laugh alright and he tilted his head back. “Oh, you’re fantastic. I can already tell. I can tell this time, you’re gonna be one of the ones that make it.”

“This time?” I asked curiously, but he was already taking my still-warm badge out of machine and handed it to me.

“Alright, now that that’s taken care of, how about we introduce you to the man you’re assigned to?”

A man? Oh well. I knew it was very much an option, about sixty-forty considering the gender split of the company that I had researched online, but I had been kind of hoping I’d been put with a woman.

“This way,” he said, standing up and walking right back out of his office. I had been hoping that we could stay there for a bit, my feet were really aching from my new flats, but I pasted on a professional grin and followed along behind him once more.

“I think you’re going to be real excited about him; a lot of people would kill for this kind of opportunity.”

Huh, it felt like he was selling me. Why was he trying to sell me? I was already there.

I kept my questions to myself, however, and then we were in the elevator and going up several floors.

We went higher, and higher, and then a bit higher before the doors opened into what looked like some sort of beautifully kept lobby. There were two long desks on either side of the room where two smartly dressed women sat -who I guessed were secretaries. There was glossy, alabaster floor underneath leading to glass door and walls that were only partially obscured with what I recognized as those fancy, automatic covers.

It all seemed so important that I was at a loss for who I could possibly be an assistant to. I was far too new and green to be put with an executive, and yet executive was what was written all over the place.

“Hey there, Stacy. Are we clear to enter?”

The red-headed secretary looked up from whatever she was typing on her computer and gave a sharp nod before returning her attention back to her task. That was apparently all the answer that my guide needed, because then he was striding towards the door with me in tow.

The next thing I knew I was stepping into something that could only be described as the epitome of a head honcho’s office space. There was furniture that probably cost a year of my rent, a bar that was far too stocked to ever get anything done, and a massive, dominating desk in the center of the room.

And behind that desk, a look of casual disinterest on his face, sat the most handsome man that I had ever seen.

“Beverly Viello, this is Mr. Fitzgerald, the creator and CEO of Golden Star Media Empire.”

My eyes went wide as I stared at the man. I knew exactly who he was. I had seen his pictures plenty of times in the many articles and tell alls that I had read about him and how he terrorized all of his assistants into quitting, mostly in under two days.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?


I looked over the young woman standing in front of me, her clothes clean but cheap and her posture professional, but uncertain.

She was tall for a woman, with long black hair that was pulled up into a sensible bun. Her eyes were wide, and her full lips were parted slightly, making me wonder if my reputation proceeded me.

Did not matter if it did. This woman was young, and I was sure that she would be just as lackluster as all of the other assistants that I had driven off.

It wasn’t that I meant to make their lives miserable, or that I had some vendetta against them, it was just that none of them seemed to be able to tell their heads from their ass, and that was a pretty big part of the job.

Some said my standards were too high, or that I expected too much from people to soon, but that wasn’t the case at all. If someone made a mistake, they just made a mistake. People were human and as long as they didn’t keep on repeating that mistake, I didn’t mind an error here or there.