Page 13 of Daddy

I shook my head, banishing that line of thought. It was one thing to think that my boss was hot. It was another thing entirely to entertain anything else, fantasy or hope or what have you. I was just a twenty something underling that hardly registered as a person for him, and it would be best for me if it stayed that way.

I nodded to myself, as if I needed the bolstering, then squared my shoulders as the elevator doors opened. Just like every other day, I strode to my desk to check if I had any outstanding tasks that Mr. Fitzgerald had thought of in the middle of the night and sent to my email. Sure enough, thee was something there, but as I opened it, I realized it wasn’t dry cleaning orders, or a fetch quest, or anything else.

It was just a simple note telling me to see him in his office as soon as I was in.

My whole body went cold at that. Was this it? Was I being fired? I couldn’t think of anything that I had done that would possibly give him reason to let me go. He was the one that walked in half naked on me! Surely, he couldn’t be upset that I was just there… right?

Had I missed something? Was there some great task that had somehow slipped my mind? That seemed impossible. I had been so careful.

Well, I guessed there wasn’t anything to do but put my chin up and take it like a champ. I was sure that even lasting almost a month would be a pretty impressive thing to put on my resume, and maybe then I could work for someone who didn’t push me to the absolute limit of what should be possible.

But still, it felt like I was failing, and it was hard for my hands not to shake as I went into his office. I’d never really failed anything before, and the feeling felt sour in my mouth.

“Sir?” I asked once I was in. I was proud of how steady my tone was despite the sacking I was sure I was about to experience.

“You’re here early,” he remarked, not even raising his head from his computer.

“I’m always here at this time,” I responded cautiously, trying not to sound like I wanted to prove myself to him. “The elevator rush slows me down too much in the morning, so I prefer to get here beforehand.”

“I see.” He stood, beckoning me over to his drafting table. I had finished my whole receipt task that he had given me and now the table was covered with tons of paper, all of which seemed pretty important. “Well, we could use the head start anyways. I’ll make sure to adjust your paycheck for the extra hours you’ve been working then.”

Wait, adjust my paycheck? That didn’t sound like firing talk to me. “Yes, sir.”

He waved off my gratitude, his eyes on the table. “For the next two days you’re going to be helping out the entertainment division plan a party to celebrate our third channel. The Star Squad finally hit a million in profit for a year, and people are itching to have a real big blow out.”

I stared at the side of him with wide eyes before reining it in. Yeah, I knew that I might be a gopher for party planning, but I never thought I’d have to have a hand in helping plan it. He had to really think I was capable if he was entrusting me to be part of the decision-making process.

Or this was another test.

“What do you need me to do, sir?”

His head swiveled towards me and I swore that he was looking right through me again, seeing everything that I usually liked to keep so hidden. It just wasn’t fair that he could gaze at me like that and make me question myself. Like I had spent twenty-two years building myself up only to be taken apart brick by brick by someone who knew so much more than me.

“Start with emailing the entertainment division and telling them you’ll be my intermediary. Then I want you to schedule a meeting with them and go over everything they have. They’ve been planning for about two weeks, so I’m sure there will be a lot to go over. If you catch anything like what happened with acquisitions, I need you to fix it.

“I’m in meetings all day so I don’t want you calling me to check in every time you find a screw up, because I’m sure you will. Use your best judgement.”

Okay, wow. That was no pressure. “Sir,” I murmured, almost cursing myself for the question that was about to come out of my mouth.


“Does this party have any particular…uh, business consequences, or it is purely for morale and celebration?”