The room was a small, plush space with flowery curtains and - could it get any worse? - pink wallpaper. The late afternoon sunlight sparkled on the snow outside, adding a romantic glow. The whole scene looked as if it had been taken straight out of the pages of a romance novel. The only problem with that was: both of the people in the room were wearing trousers.

With an earnest expression on his face, Captain Carter turned towards me. Never before had I seen him looking so serious before.

Crap, crap, crap! What am I going to do?

He cleared his throat.

‘Mr Linton-’


He blinked.


I crossed my arms in front of my chest. ‘No. Whatever it is you want, no. On principal.’

That roguish grin I knew and loved flitted across his face. ‘I suppose that is the standard response taught to you by your employer? He seems to be a…formidable man. Don’t worry! I’m not going to ask you for his money or the clothes off your back. In fact, I don’t want anything from him or you.’

Wrong. So wrong.

He took a step towards me, his face returning to that serious expression that was so very unusual for Captain James Carter.

‘This isn’t about you, Mr Linton.’

Oh boy! You have no idea…!

‘This is about your sister.’

Here we go.

He took a deep breath. ‘May I have the great honour of asking your sister to become my-’


The captain blinked at me. ‘But…you haven’t even heard what I want to ask her yet.’

‘Err…well…that doesn’t matter!’ I raised my chin, the image of the protective big brother. ‘I, um…don’t allow my sister to be asked things on principal. Especially if the asker feels honoured

by it. That, err…would be bad for her. Very, very bad. It would, err…ruin her character. Yes, that’s it!’

‘Mr Linton, I do not propose anything immoral or unreasonable. I have great regard for your sister - in fact, I feel more than that, much more. Which is why I want to ask her to-’

‘No!’ I took a step back, waving both hands in the air. ‘No asking. No asking of any kind.’

‘But I want her to be my wife!’

The words were out. I felt my heart make a leap, and my mouth go dry. Had he really just said that?




Oh yes, he had. I was still hearing the echoes in my empty, numb mind.

‘Of course,’ he continued with a reassuring smile that did not at all reassure me, ‘I will understand if she declines. It is always her choice. But I feel deeply for your sister. I could see us spending the rest of our lives together happily. I am not a wealthy man, but my prospects in the military are good. I would be able to support your sister in the style to which she is accustomed-’