What the…?

Under normal circumstances, I welcomed initiative, but I preferred it from my employees, not my body parts! Still…right now I didn’t particularly care. The only thing standing in my way was a hut’s flimsy door. One good, hard kick, and it flew right of the hinges, sailing into the snow.

And there she was.

Instantly, I started forward again. Moments later, I stood before my horse, gazing up at the most impudent smile I had ever seen. So impudent it has to be wiped off right now.

Preferably with a kiss.

Where did that thought come from?

Well, wherever it did, it had better go back there straight away!

‘Miss Linton.’ My voice sounded cold and distant like the whistling wind on a winter night. Just goes to show how deceptive sound could be.

‘You took your time, Sir.’ Her voice was warmth. Welcome. Fire burning just beneath the surface.

Our eyes met and held.

‘You seem to have managed well enough on your own.’

And you’re sitting on my horse.

She cocked her head, thoughtfully. ‘Yes, I did, didn’t I? Maybe I should just ride away and leave you here. It wasn’t a particularly good rescue, you know.’

She wouldn’t dare!

That thought flashed through my mind before I remembered who I was dealing with. Inconspicuously, I sneaked up my hand to grab hold of the reins. Just in case.

‘Miss Linton?’

Her smile widened. So fiery. So fierce. ‘Yes, Mr Ambrose, Sir?’

Kiss it. Kiss her.

‘Get off my horse.’

She cocked her head. ‘I don’t think so. I think I’ll-’


With one step, I crossed the remaining distance. My arms shot up towards her and, stepping into a stirrup with one foot, I launched myself up at the same moment I hauled her down. Just to get her down from the horse, I told myself. Just to get her down from the horse. Just to get her down from the—

Our lips collided.

No. No. No.

Yes. Yes. Yes!

‘Silence!’ I growled. But was it at her, or at the voices fiercely arguing in my head? In my…heart?

What are you doing? This is madness! Remember. Calm. Control. Get away from her, before it is too late! Before—

And then she started to kiss me back.

I had received a lot of kisses in my life. Of course, most of them had come from French business partners who wouldn’t let a little thing like an icy glare that threatened evisceration stand in the way of their treasured social customs. But still…it should count, correct? I had experience. This should be nothing out of the ordinary. Easy to deal with. Simple. Average.

So soft. Her lips are so soft…