‘Let’s get going, men. To Battlewood Hall!’

And he gave his mount the spurs. The horse sprang forward and I was jolted back against Mr Ambrose - to which I by no means objected. Stretching up towards him, I placed my lips right next to his ear and whispered: ‘Love.’

His arms tightened around me. ‘You are incorrigible.’

‘Well, then start to encourage me.’ I nipped his earlobe. ‘It’s about time you did.’

He was silent for a moment. Then…


Eh? Agreement from Mr Rikkard Ambrose? Was I dreaming?

‘Mr Ambrose?’


‘Mr Ambrose? Is something wrong?’

Again, no answer. My neck began to prickle. Something was wrong. Not because of the silence - no, that was to be expected. It was the sort of silence that worried me. Thoughtful. Planning. Scheming. It was the silence of a man deciding the future.

Oh, Lilly, don’t be so overdramatic! Silence is just lack of noise. You can’t honestly pretend to know this one sounds different from another, can you?

Shaking my head, I shoved my anxious thoughts aside. This was no time to be suspicious! What dire plans could Mr Ambrose be hatching, after all? He had just come rescue me. He loved me. He might even - with a little persuasion - give me a day off now and again. What could he possibly be plotting?


‘Miss Linton?’


‘Miss Linton, wake up.’

‘Nnnn. Nnmmph.’

‘Wake up, Miss Linton.’


‘Mr Linton, wake up right now! That is an order!’

My head snapped up. ‘Yes, Sir! Which file do you need, Sir? I- oh.’

Blinking, I took out the winter landscape rushing past around us. Over the thunder of hooves, I heard a choked sound from the left. I threw a suspicious glance at Karim, who had his lower face hidden behind one big paw. The corners of his eyes were suspiciously crinkled.

‘What is the matter?’ I yawned, stretching my arms and half turning to glance up at Mr Ambrose. ‘Getting tired of holding me, were you?’

‘No. We have arrived.’

‘Arrived? I don’t see-’

Just then, we crested the last hill and before us stretched the magnificent sight of the Battlewood Hall. I sucked in a breath. Of course, I had known that Battlewood was magnificent before, but only from up here, seeing its glory in entirety, could I truly appreciate the beauty of the place.

‘It’s magnificent,’ I whispered.

‘It is acceptable.’ Mr Ambrose’s voice was cool and detached. ‘Though not as large as my private country house.’

I nearly fell off the horse.