No. No, that can’t be…

‘Ambrose Sahib authorised me to use deadly force, if necessary!’

‘I said shut up, you big oaf!’


‘Adaira Sahiba, I cannot allow you-’

‘Out of my way!’

My eyes went wide and flew to meet those of Mr Ambrose. For once, his weren’t full of icy determination. If they were cold as usual, that was only because he was frozen in shock.

‘What do we do?’ I hissed, pulling the blanket over me, instinctively.


At least from Mr Ambrose. Karim was rather desperately loquacious.

‘For the last time, these are the Sahib’s private chambers. I cannot allow a young lady to enter-’

‘Oh for God’s sake, bushy beard! He’s my brother! I’ve seen him with his trousers down more times than I care to remember. Get out of my way, will you?’

‘No, Sahiba! Don’t- ouch!’

‘I said get out of the way!’

And before I could move another muscle, the door swung open and Adaira strode into the room. ‘Rick, I have to talk to you! I demand to know what this-’

Then her eyes landed on the bed. The bed in which Mr Ambrose and I lay huddled together under the blankets. Her eyes went big as saucers, and she stopped in her tracks. ‘Miss Linton!’

Bloody hell! It was over.

Well, not quite. The worst was yet to come.

Slowly, I dropped the sheet. At the sight of my tailcoat and trousers, Adaira’s eyes decided saucers weren’t nearly big enough and tried for a career as dinner plates. ‘Mister Linton?’

I raised my hand and gave her a little wave. ‘Err…Hello there.’


Adaira was still staring. She simply didn’t seem able to wrap her pretty little head around what she was seeing. Slowly, she took a step back and sat down, unaware that she had sat on a dresser instead of a chair. Still staring, she pointed a trembling finger at me.

‘Mr Linton. Mr Victor Linton.’

‘Well…yes. And no.’

‘Mr Victor Linton. In bed with my brother.’


‘Oh well….that’s…that’s just…Bugger it all!’

‘Adaira!’ Mr Ambrose snapped, sitting up abruptly to glare at his little sister. ‘Mind your language.’

Her eyes flew to him and suddenly flashed with fire. ‘I’ll say whatever I bloody well want, thank you very much. Besides, it wasn’t a curse. It was a description! The two of you were…oh my God! I can’t even…!’

I cleared my throat demurely. ‘It’s not as bad as it looks.’