‘Oh. Well, I suppose we can knock and see…’

‘There! There they are!’

The last words didn’t come from me. They didn’t come from Captain Carter either, and they most certainly did not come from Mr Rikkard Ambrose. No, they came from two figures on the steps of the manor house, waving and calling as if we were a whole boatload full of prodigal sons returning.

‘Seems like your dear mama has been missing you.’ I gifted Mr Ambrose with a brilliant smile. ‘Isn’t that sweet?’

The look I got in return didn’t contain much sugar.

‘Well, let’s not keep her waiting!’ The coach rolled to a stop and, grabbing Mr Ambrose by the hand, I towed him out of the coach and towards the waiting women. They started to rush down the steps towards us. ‘I’m sure your mother will be ecstatic to see you agai-’

‘Lillian!’ Throwing her arms around me, Lady Samantha engulfed me in an ocean of pink fluff. ‘Lillian, dear, oh we were so worried! Are you all right? Are your injuries better? Oh, we were so terrified when we heard! We’re so happy that you’re back on your feet again!’

‘Yes,’ Mr Ambrose’s voice came from somewhere beyond the fluffy pink vice that engulfed me. ‘I can see that my mother is clearly ecstatic to see me again.’

‘You…’ Letting go of me, Lady Samantha marched up to her son, glared up at him and poked him in the chest. I am not joking. She actually and truly extended her forefinger and poked Mr Rikkard Ambrose in the chest. And her finger didn’t freeze and drop or anything like that. ‘How could you! How could you take Miss Linton into such terrible danger? Rick, I don’t know what to do with you! I really don’t…’

Her words drained away, and she simply stood there, gazing up at her son. She didn’t look angry. She didn’t even look mildly annoyed. No, it was much worse than that. She looked disappointed. Her big blue eyes gazed up at her son with a look that said: You did this? I thought you were better than that. I thought I could rely on you,

Mr Ambrose shifted.

‘Miss Linton insisted on accompanying me. She-’

‘Well, of course she did!’ Lady Samantha glanced over at me, and her gaze held so much warmth and love and tenderness, I felt the instinctive urge to duck behind a bush to shield myself from the onslaught. ‘I wouldn’t have expected anything less.’

‘You shouldn’t have listened to her!’ That was Adaira, jumping into the conversation and glaring at her brother. ‘It obviously was a stupid idea!’

Then she turned to me and threw her arms around me. ‘I’m so happy you’re back! You’re the only sensible female hereabouts!’

I could have pointed out that those two statements were a tiny little bit contradictory, but instead simply hugged her back and grinned at Mr Ambrose over her shoulder. The look he shot back at me was less than pleased. My grin widened.

‘Lady Samantha?’ Bowing, Captain Carter approached the lady of the house. ‘I see that you have quite a lot to discuss with Miss Linton and your son. I shall return to my room and see you at dinner.’

‘Of course, Captain. Of course. Thank you for ensuring that this county is secure again, and we can all sleep safely in our beds tonight.’

‘Only doing my duty, Your Ladyship.’

And, with another bow, he marched off towards the house, where a footman was already waiting for him.

‘I will leave as well,’ Mr Ambrose stated coolly. ‘I have some urgent business matters to take care of that cannot-’

‘You stay right where you are!’ Letting go of me, Adaira marched up to her brother, blocking his way. ‘Mother and I have a few things to say to you, brother dear.’

‘But first,’ Lady Samantha added, turning back to me with that expression that simultaneously made me feel warm inside and made me want to run for the hills, ‘we’ll take care of you, my dear. You must be exhausted! After all the things that excuse for a son of mine put you through-’

‘I’m fine,’ I protested. ‘Really, my injuries weren’t as bad as you might have heard. A few scrapes, a black eye, a couple of bruised ribs - nothing much.’

‘Black eye? Bruised ribs?’

Oh. Hadn’t I mentioned those in my letters yet? Oops.

‘Rikkard Ambrose!’ Blue eyes wide with horror, Lady Samantha turned on her son. I judged this might be the right opportunity to sneak away - but no such luck. She immediately turned back and engulfed me in another hug, as if trying to shield me from the whole big, bad world. A second later, she was joined by Lady Adaira. Unfair! Two against one!

‘Oh, you poor, poor dear…’

‘We’ll keep you safe here, don’t worry.’

‘Come. Let’s find you a quiet place to rest, and you can tell us all about it.’