‘As you wish. Willie? Reginald?’ Adaira clapped her hand to call the footmen. ‘Take care of Lady Caroline’s baggage and-’

‘Oh, don’t trouble yourself.’ Caroline waved Adaira’s words away, gesturing at two men in lavish uniforms who had been riding on the back of the coach and now jumped off to hurry and get the luggage. ‘My own servants will take care of it.’

‘Oh. Well, I see.’

With what I thought was admirable restraint, Adaira refrained from kicking the arrogant little witch. This Caroline was altogether too fond of herself and her money.

Money which Mr Ambrose might find very attractive.

‘Ladies and gentlemen?’ Hastings the Butler had appeared out of nowhere in the typical manner of perfect butlers and bowed deeply to the new arrival. ‘If you would please follow me? Tea is served in the small green parlour.’

‘Yes.’ Mr Ambrose nodded, his eyes on Lady Caroline. My fingers itched to close around his neck, and not for the purpose of gentle caresses. ‘Let’s go.’

Oh yes, Sir. We’ll go all right - but not where you think!

I did just as the others did and followed Hastings inside. But the moment the company stepped into the entrance hall and redirected its steps towards the small green parlour, my hand fell on the shoulder of Mr Rikkard Ambrose.

‘Excuse me, Sir?’

He stopped in his tracks. The others halted and glanced back, wondering what was the matter. I gave them the bright, professional smile I usually reserved for charitable organisations coming to call at Mr Ambrose’s office - the official ‘sod off’ smile.

‘I’m so sorry, ladies, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to steal Mr Ambrose away for a bit. He and I have a very important business matter to discuss.’

And before any of them could say a word, I tightened my grip on Mr Ambrose and dragged him off.

Neither of us spoke until we had reached his room. Tugging open the door, I shoved him inside and followed, slamming the door behind me.

‘Well?’ He stood there, arms crossed, b

ack straight as a rod, ice glittering in his eyes. The arrogance in every inch of his stance…it was unbelievable! It practically screamed Do you think you could have dragged me here if I didn’t want to be dragged? I could have stopped you at any time. I was in control. I still am. And no matter what I say to or do with Lady Caroline, it is none of your business.

He cocked his head. ‘Tell me, Mr Linton - what was this important business matter that you - mmmph!’

The rest of his sentence was cut off by my mouth slamming against his. In a flash, his arms unfolded, taking hold of me, crushing me closer - until he remembered that this wasn’t exactly a business discussion and pulled away, his eyes glittering.

‘Mr Linton…what in Mammon’s name…?’

I didn’t let him finish.

‘You know her?’ My voice was rough from the kiss, demanding.


‘Don’t play dumb with me, Sir!’

‘If you are referring to Lady Caroline-’

‘You bet I am!’

‘-then yes, I know her.’

My fingers, clenched around the lapels of his tailcoat, curled into tight fists. ‘How?’

And more importantly: how intimately?

‘I do not appreciate being cross-examined in this manner, Mr Linton.’

‘Too bad. Get used to it! Now tell me: how do you know her?’