‘But, Adaira, my dear, I think I need you to come with me. I might need help carrying the…the…’

‘…the thing that you have to fetch but can’t remember at the moment?’

‘Exactly! I seem to remember it is very heavy.’

‘Oh, don’t worry.’ Adaira gave her mother a bright smile and slid closer to Mr Ambrose and me. ‘I distinctly remember you telling me earlier it is very light. Very light indeed. Besides, I think I’d really like to stay here. I have a feeling the conversation is going to get interesting.’

‘Still, I’ll need you. I…I…might need your help remembering the thing I have to fetch that I can’t remember right now.’

‘Don’t worry. If I remember I’ll send a servant with a note.’

‘Adaira Louise Jannet Melanie Georgette Ambrose, get to your feet and come with me right now!’

‘All right, all right…’ With a sigh of disappointment that would have melted any heart but that of a mother, Adaira got to her feet and let herself be dragged out of the room, leaving Mr Ambrose and me alone on the winter garden bench.

Silence reigned when the door had closed behind mother and daughter. Long, cold, intense silence. Dark, sea-coloured eyes bored into me, wandering up and down my figure, taking in my female attire.

‘What are you playing at, Mr Linton?’

I raised an eyebrow. ‘I told you before, Sir - I’m not playing. Not anymore.’

‘You made it sound like…like the two of us were…’


He opened his mouth - and pounced on me. One moment he was sitting there, fighting with his words, the next, he pulled me towards him and his lips claimed mine, fighting another battle and winning fast. A groan rose from his chest. For a moment, I melted into him - then my hands gripped his shoulders, and I pushed hard, sending him flying backwards. He hit the padded bench with a thunk.

‘I’m not playing,’ I repeated, my eyes ablaze as I gazed down at him. ‘We’ve sailed the seas together, hunted outlaws in the desert, hacked our way through the South American jungle and always, always we’ve had each other’s back! I’m not going to stand by while your mother plans your married life, and you’re snatched up by some good-for-nothing ninny of a girl. Not while I still have breath in my body!’

And then I leant down to claim his mouth again and demonstrate that yes, indeed, I did still have breath in my body. Quite a lot of it. And I knew how to use it, too.

‘Don’t you think I know what my mother is up to?’ he breathed against my mouth. ‘I have won victories over kings, queens and sultans! I’m not about to succumb to the matchmaking plans of my mother.’

‘I don’t care!’ Reaching down, I gripped his face fiercely, refusing to let go. ‘I refuse to pretend anymore! There’s something between us. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t know what will come of it, but it’s there, and I want it. I want you.’

I saw the ripple in his eyes, like a wave in the Arctic Ocean, causing an iceberg to crack.

‘Lillian, I…’

He suddenly broke off, and a moment later, I knew why. Footsteps could be heard from outside, fast approaching.

‘Up!’ he hissed, and moved. In a wink, we were sitting upright. A shove from him, and suddenly I was sitting at a respectable distance. I was just reaching up to try and finger-comb the wild tangles of my hair, when the door of the winter garden burst open and Adaira stormed in.

‘They’re here!’ she crowed, dancing around, too excited

to even glance at us - thank God! ‘They’re coming!’


‘The first guests of course! Come and see!’ And she was outside again, rushing down the corridor. Slowly I managed to get my trembling knees under control and rose to follow. Behind me, I could hear Mr Ambrose do the same. I didn’t look back. I didn’t speak. I didn’t dare just yet. Unspoken words hung in the air between us, heavy with the power to crush my heart, or make it soar.

What had he been about to say before his sister had burst in?

Damn those guests! If it’s pretty little Lady Caroline Elaine Sambridge, I am going to skewer her with my parasol!

Luckily, I still had the one I had purchased earlier with me. And it seemed to have a pretty sharp tip.

I caught up with Adaira just before she reached the big arched windows next to the front door. Stretching up on my tiptoes, I peeked over her shoulder. Behind me, I could feel Mr Ambrose approaching.